State of play of negotiations Promoting the social economy and social enterprises Resa Koleva DG EMPL E1, ESF Policy and Legislation OECD capacity building.


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Presentation transcript:

State of play of negotiations Promoting the social economy and social enterprises Resa Koleva DG EMPL E1, ESF Policy and Legislation OECD capacity building seminar, 28 June 2013

Process Overview of schedule Negotiation on regulations Informal dialogue Content – main provisions ESF regulation

Schedule Partnership agreements: end of 2013 Operational programmes: middle of 2014 This presupposes CPR adoption by Council in Autumn EP approval in July

Negotiation on regulations Trilogue on CPR : all main blocks discussed Trilogue on funds regulations, including ESF, on- going Political trilogues on main outstanding issues Recent: agreement on ESF minimum share between Council and EP

Informal dialogue Commission position papers (Oct-Nov 2012) Social entrepreneurship and social economy An IP in 5 CPPs (EL, ES, HU, IT, PT) A specific objective in 6 CPPs (AT, DE, LT, MT, PL, SK) 1-2 informal dialogue meetings so far with each MS Informal draft PAs "Maturity" check

Regulatory framework - main provisions I.Available funding II.Programming Investment priorities Delivery mechanisms Social entrepreneurship-friendly framework provisions

Amount of funding ESF minimum share COM proposal: 25% (EUR 84 billion) Agreement by co-legislators: 23.1% (EUR 72 billion) Social inclusion minimum share 20% in each MS

Investment priorities Specific support for through the dedicated IP Promoting the social economy and social enterprises; Important role not only in the specific IP but in the delivery of social policies co-funded by ESF through other relevant IPs! E.g.: Access to employment for job-seekers and inactive people; Reducing early school-leaving and promoting equal access to good quality early-childhood education Active inclusion

Delivery mechanism 1 Promoting employment thematic objective Rehabilitation services purchased by PES and provided by NGOs, private providers. Other labour market services, labour market reintegration services. Policy: active labour market policies. Investment priority: Access to employment for job- seekers and inactive people

Delivery mechanism 2 Investing in education, skills and LLL thematic objective NGOs providing early childhood education and care, purchased by municipalities. Policy: equal access to education, reduction of early school leaving. Investment priority: Reducing early school-leaving and promoting equal access to good quality early- childhood, primary and secondary education

Delivery mechanism 3 Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty thematic objective NGOs providing community care to disabled or running a network of foster parents Policy: transition from institutional to communty- based care Investment priority: Enhancing access to affordable, sustainable and high-quality services, including health care and social services

Social entrepreneurship-friendly framework in SF Strengthened partnership Better access to funds Broader access to funds – financial instruments Capacity building