The European Community –Environment –Agricultural –Competition- trade policies –Economic and social coheison –Public procurement
Economic and social cohesion Promote harmonious development Reducing disparities between the levels of development(Article 158) Member States conduct their economic policies and coordinate to attain the objectives in Article 158
Implementation of the Community´s policies and the internal market shall take into account the objectives and contribute to their achievement The Community shall support the achievement through the Structural Funds ( Article 159)
EU Policy Connections Lisbon – Competitiveness and the knowledge economy Employment and Social Policy – thematic programmes CAP Reform from 2003 Competition/State Aids Sustainable Development Equalities Urban Policy and Spatial Planning?
EU BUDGET Pre-accession 3.1% Enlargement 8.3% 42.4% 30.3% Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund Agricultural Policy Average Annual Expenditure: billion EURO
Responsibilites of local and regional authorities Employer Supervison Service producer Community planning/dev. 2 Local & regional authorities
The EU affects all fields of activity 3 Employe r Supervison Service produce r Community planning/dev. Local & regional authorities
The effects Initiative on health strategy 6th Framework programme on the environment -local level important The structural funds Env. friendly public procurement Initiative on spatial planning Habitat direktive ”Natura 2000” Community planning/dev International marketing -regional competition -representative offices in Brussels The programs for transregional cooperation 7
Experience from Swedish municipalities, county couincils and regions The structural funds have been of great importance - new cooperation patterns The working methods are important - Program planning, SWOT analysis, partnership,evaluation etc Municipalities and county couincils have been an important actor - Project development,co- financing, implementation Valuable projects - local, regional and transnationel
On going impact Decentralisation processes - Good governance, tripartite contract New regional development policy New bodies for regional development built on cooperation between municipalities Capacity building through training courses, project development etc New investigation on division of power New working processes with the – members, eu-institutions, government etc
Community Planning Community Planning SME Environment Culture Infrastructure Regional Growth program Regional Growth program SF Interreg III B, C North Sea Baltic Sea Northern Periphery E U CDCR/CSD E U CDCR/CSD R &D Nordic Couicil Nordic Couicil ESPON Coheison Policy
Local and regional author-ities Sw. Delegation in CoR The Commission The Parliament EU effects Sw. Gov/the Council CoR SALA & SFCC board committees experts Brussels office The influence on EU decisions 9