The Emergence of Vancouver
Vancouver is the youngest major community in BC Early 1860’s: remained home of Musquean and Squamish peoples 1865: area changing – Sawmills 1868: “Gassy Jack” Deighton – Opened a saloon – Establishment of Gastown 1881: Port Moody appointed terminus of CPR 1884: Van Horne visits, not happy with Port Moody – Named new site as terminus: Vancouver 1886: fire destroys Van. (rebuilt quickly) 1890: 5,000+ residents in Vancouver
The Oppenheimers Cariboo Gold Rush: Jewish immigrants – Sold goods to prospectors 1848: the 5 Oppenheimer brothers arrive in Cali 1859: come to BC Est. trading firm in Victoria 1862: store in Barkerville David petitioned Douglas to build a road – Cariboo Road David played role in getting CPR relocated to Vancouver David became Vancouver mayor (1888) – “Father of Vancouver”
Group Role play: Person A: William Van Horne Person B: David Oppenheimer Person C: Speculator Person B/C must convince Van Horne to either: relocate the CPR terminus to Gastown OR keep the terminus at Port Moody.
Economic Diversity in BC
With completion of CPR, BC no longer isolated from rest of Canada Rapid growth Increase in mining of other minerals – Smelters built Growth of Nelson Okanagan region – Agriculture – Orchard farming Rocky Mountains – CPR: tourists Built large hotels and “dining stations” along route