Medieval Europe
The Early Middle Ages The Early Middle Ages began around CE and were also known as the Dark Ages The Dark Ages was a time when little development in trade and social structure occurred The Late Middle Ages occurred from and was a time that experienced some growth in trade and agriculture
Feudalism Developed first on the continent of Europe and then on the island of Britain with the ruler and the ruled having clearly defined roles and duties
Political Developments Small independent kingdoms develop in Italy, Gaul, Spain, Germany, and Belgium (400s) The pope declares Charlemagne “Emperor of the Romans” (800)
Cultural Developments Christianity was brought to the pagans in Northern and Eastern Europe (400s-1100) Charlemagne reintroduced education and literacy to western Europe (800s) Roman style cathedrals were built in France and England (100)
Technological/Economic Developments Wooden castles were built Heavy plough, horseshoe, and an improved harness improved crop harvests Horses began to replace oxen to plough fields (900s)
Charlemagne Charlemagne means Charles the Great The church crowned him Emperor of the Romans in hopes of reestablishing the old western Roman empire Charlemagne ruled in modern day Germany His goals were to establish uniform laws through out his kingdom that were upheld by local judges
Art and culture thrived during his reign After he died civil war broke out in his kingdom and his heirs fought for control of his kingdom His 3 grandsons divided the kingdom into 3 parts The western part (modern day France) The eastern part (modern day Germany) The middle part ( Italy to the North Sea)