The association between global hemodynamics, cerebral oxygenation and survival in post-cardiac arrest patients K. Ameloot, I. Meex, C. Genbrugge, F. Jans, W. Mullens, M. Dupont, C. DeDeyne, J. Dens
The Clinical Problem, 42 yrs OOHCA 10’ bystander CPR VF, DC shock -> ROSC Inferior STEMI (R/PPCI) TH by Coolgard
The Clinical Problem - No vaso-active drugs - CO 2 41mmHg
The Clinical Problem
‘PCAS is a sepsis-like syndrome’ At least 2 major differences with sepsis: 1.Rightward shift autoregulation 2.Cardiac patient = afterload dependent The optimal MAP should maintain cerebral perfusion without exposing the damaged myocardium to excessive afterload
Aims SctO 2 MAP SVO2 GuidelinesSctO 2 Mortality > 65 mmHg > 70 %
Prospective observational trial Study Patients 82 PCA survivors between 3/2011-2/2014 – NIRS (n=82) – Arterial line (n=82) – Swann-Ganz (n=63) Exclusion criteria: – Traumatic cause – Death < 24 hrs – Early withdrawal therapy Treatment Protocol General management – MAP 65mmHg – Saturation > 94% – Normocapnia Therapeutic hypothermia – Cooled IV NaCl 0.9 % – 24hrs 33°C – Rewarming 0.3°C / hour
n = 1 pair/2 sec x 24 hrs (=hypothermia) =
MAP dependent MAP independent y=0.99x y=0.00x mmHg 67%
Excessive afterload Maintain SctO2
SVO2 72% SctO2 67% MAP 87mmHg Ventriculo-arterial-cerebral coupling
SVO % CPC days OR %CI [2.08; 32.68] P=0.001
OR95% CIp-value Bystander CPR<10minyes/no19.90[1.78;222.11]0.02 Initial rhythm shockableyes/no1.85[0.52;6.64]0.34 SVO2 [67,72] %yes/no8.79[1.69;18.36]0.01 Multivariate Model (SVO2)
MAP 76-86mmHg CPC days OR %CI [1.01;6.88] P=0.04
OR95% CIp-value Bystander CPR<10minyes/no13.41[2.35;76.48]0.003 Initial rhythm shockableyes/no3.26[1.11;9.52]0.03 MAP[76,86] mmHgyes/no3.88[1.22;12.33]0.02 Multivariate Model (MAP)
SVO2<67% MAP<76mmHg Poor Outcome Patient Characteristics Causality Target for treatment? Association Marker of prognosis?
All Per SVO2 LowTargetHigh p-value ≤ 66%[67,72]%≥ 73% Number patients8227/63 (43%)18/63 (29%) Demographics Age (years)63±1366±1460±1060± Male (%)70±4659±5083±3872± Resuscitation parameters Out of Hospital (%)85±3693±2789±3384± Bystander CPR<10 min (%)82±3980±4089±3262± Initial Rhythm Shockable (%)66±4850±5189±3266± Cardiac Cause90±3093±2794±2483± Surface Cooling (%)52±5059±5044± Hemodynamic parameters Heartrate (BPM)68±1671±1766±1375± Echocardiographic LVEF (%)42±1734±1845±1745± MAP (mmHg)76±874±875±679±90.11 CVP (mmHg)17±1316±718±1815±90.73 mPAP (mmHg)26±526±625±425±60.78 dPAP (mmHg)19±520±519±318±50.35 SVO2 (%)67±959±770±278±3< TDCCO (l/min)3.88± ± ± ±1.19< Cerebral Saturation (%)65±464±465±568±40.01
High SVO2 / High Mortality 1. Causality Hypothesis Hyperdynamic circulation cerebral hypersaturation Target for treatment? 2. Reduced oxygen consumption Functional brain death
All Per SVO2 LowTargetHigh p-value ≤ 66%[67,72]%≥ 73% Number patients8227/63 (43%)18/63 (29%) Demographics Age (years)63±1366±1460±1060± Male (%)70±4659±5083±3872± Resuscitation parameters Out of Hospital (%)85±3693±2789±3384± Bystander CPR<10 min (%)82±3980±4089±3262± Initial Rhythm Shockable (%)66±4850±5189±3266± Cardiac Cause90±3093±2794±2483± Surface Cooling (%)52±5059±5044± Hemodynamic parameters Heartrate (BPM)68±1671±1766±1375± Echocardiographic LVEF (%)42±1734±1845±1745± MAP (mmHg)76±874±875±679±90.11 CVP (mmHg)17±1316±718±1815±90.73 mPAP (mmHg)26±526±625±425±60.78 dPAP (mmHg)19±520±519±318±50.35 SVO2 (%)67±959±770±278±3< TDCCO (l/min)3.88± ± ± ±1.19< Cerebral Saturation (%)65±464±465±568±40.01
The Clinical Problem
Summary SctO 2 MAP SVO2 GuidelinesSctO 2 Mortality > 65 mmHg > 70 % 67 % 87 mmHg 72 % mmHg 67-72%
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Hemoglobin and outcome Hb (g/dl) ORLLCULCP-value
Hemoglobin and Outcome The suggested optimal Hemoglobin seems to be 12 g/dl… … Odds ratio driven by patients below target SVO2 ORLLCULCP-value All SVO2 < 70% SVO2 ≥ 70%
n = 1 pair/2 sec x 24 hrs (=hypothermia) =