沈阳师范大学 主讲人:闫怡恂 欧洲历史与文明. 第三节 欧洲的影响 Europe’s Influence on Modern History 导 论 HIstory and Geography.


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Presentation transcript:

沈阳师范大学 主讲人:闫怡恂 欧洲历史与文明

第三节 欧洲的影响 Europe’s Influence on Modern History 导 论 HIstory and Geography

Overview 1. Why ? 2. Europe and history 3. The mountains 4. The rivers 5. The climate 6. Agriculture 7. Summarization 8. Homework 9. Terms

1. Why ? However we define its place on the globe, Europe has shaped much of modern world history-- Partly because of its overseas expansion; Partly because of what it borrowed from other parts of the world; Partly because of its decisive economic and cultural influence on the emergence of an increasingly global civilization.

2. Europe and history Europe is one of many important cultural spheres in human history.

Its economy, political systems, religious traditions, and social institutions are not the sole historical path to modernity. People in other regions often challenged or rejected European forms of “modernization” as they have built their own modern societies.

Much of the modern global economy emerged in the international trade that Europe’s imperial powers controlled and expanded after the sixteenth century. Idea and people have meanwhile flowed constantly into Europe from other parts of the world, so that European societies remain a vital center for cross- cultural exchanges and conflicts.

Europe is indeed one of several peninsulas jutting off from Asia, like the Arabian and Indian peninsulas. Closed in by the strait of Gibraltar ( 直布罗陀海峡 ) , which is 8 miles wide, is more shielded and is protected from the violent ocean storms.

2000 miles long, it is subdivided by islands and peninsulas, (the Aegean Sea (爱琴海), Adriatic Sea (亚德里亚海) ) and it provides access to the Black Sea (黑海).

It is also possible to cross between Europe and Asia at the Bosporus (博斯普鲁斯海峡) and between Europe and Africa at Gibraltar.

Populations became mixed by migration, and various historic empires— the Carthaginian ( 迦太基 人 ), Roman, Byzantines, Arabic, Spanish, Venetian, and Ottoman (土耳其人 ) —have used the Mediterranean to govern their component parts. 古城名迦太基该词源于腓尼基 语,意为 “ 新的城市 ”, 英 Carthage )坐落于非洲北海岸 ( 今突尼斯 ) ,与罗马隔海相望。 是到突尼斯旅游的必游之地。 位于突尼斯城东北 17 公里处, 濒临地中海,是奴隶制国家迦 太基的首都。 奥斯曼帝国( Ottoman Empire )是土耳其人建立的国家。创 立者为奥斯曼一世,初居中亚 ,后领土扩张至小亚细亚,日 渐兴盛。 1453 年灭掉东罗马帝 国,定都伊斯坦布尔。极盛时 曾地跨欧亚非三大洲,控制了 整个西欧到东方的通道,是名 副其实的封建军事大帝国。

3. The Mountains The Pyrenees ( 比利牛斯 山 ) close off Spain from the south, as the Alps ( 阿尔卑斯 山 ) do Italy; the Balkan Mountains ( 巴尔干山脉 ) are difficult to penetrate. Pyrénées Mont Perdu

4. The rivers The European rivers are worth particular attention. Most are navigable, and give access to the sea. With their valleys, they provided areas where intensive local development could take place. London—Thames (泰晤士河) Paris—Seine (塞纳河) Vienna & Budapest –Danube (多瑙河) Warsaw—Vistula ( 维斯图拉河,维斯瓦河 )

The importance of water is shown again by the location of Copenhagen, Stockholm, and St. Petersburg on the Baltic and of Amsterdam and Lisbon, which grew rabidly after Europeans began traversing the Atlantic Ocean.

5.The climate Climate depends on Latitude, ocean currents, and winds that bring or withhold rainfall. The parts of Europe near the sea have less extreme temperatures.

5.The climate Europe is the only continent that has no actual desert. Europe is also for the most part a region of fertile soil. Europe has been one of the most favored places on the globe for human habitation.

6. Agriculture The state of agriculture obviously depends on natural conditions, but it has also depended historically on the invention of the plow, the planting of appropriate crops, the rotation of fields to prevent soil exhaustion, and the availability of livestock from which manure could be obtained as fertilizer.

Human beings have always developed their institutions and cultures through a complex relation with the natural world, and maps remind us that all human activities take place in geographical space.

At a rate of 30 miles a day, it would take 3 weeks to travel from London to Venice, but today, we travel at supersonic speed, and measure communication in nanoseconds, or one-billionth of a second. The barriers of geographical space virtually disappeared. Yet human beings remain profoundly dependent on their natural environments, and human history remains firmly embedded in the geography of the planet earth.

7. Summarization Europe has undoubtedly shaped much of modern world history. Europe is of course only one of many important cultural spheres in human history. The mountains, rivers and climate in Europe Human beings have always developed their institutions and cultures through a complex relation with the natural world.

8. Homework What position and influence has Europe shaped in its development history? Make a list of the main mountains, rivers, seas, lakes, and other geographical terms appeared here in the chapter and bear in mind.

9. Terms--Seas Mediterranean Sea Aegean Sea Black sea Caspian Sea Aral Sea Dead Sea Norwegian Sea North Sea Baltic sea 地中海 爱琴海 黑海 里海 咸海 死海 挪威海 北海 波罗的海

9. Terms--Mountains Pyreness Apennines Alps Ural Mountains 比利牛斯山 亚平宁山脉 阿尔卑斯山 乌拉尔山脉

9. Terms--Rivers Thames ( London ) Seine ( Paris ) Rhine Danube ( Vienna , Budapest ) Volga ( Moscow ) Tigris ( Baghdad ) Euphrates Nile ( Cairo ) 泰晤士河 塞纳河 莱茵河 多瑙河 伏尔加河(莫斯 科河) 底格里斯河 幼发拉底河 尼罗河

9. Terms--Straits Strait of Gibraltar Strait of Boporus English Channel Strait of Dover 直布罗陀海峡 博斯普鲁斯海峡 英吉利海峡 多佛海峡