Scientific Notation Units Conversion Factors Measurements Scientific Notation Units Conversion Factors
Scientific Notation An easy way to write small and large numbers. The number before the decimal is between 1 and 10. The numbers (if any) after the decimal are signficant figures 0.000050m = 5.0 X 10-5m 9,600,000m = 9.6 X 106m
Scientific Notation Using a scientific calculator: Use the EE button 4.58 x 106 is typed 4.58 EE 6 Using a graphing calculator: Use the EXP button 4.58 x 106 is typed 4.58 EXP 6
Units of Measure English System International System (SI) Not used as often anymore International System (SI) SI units based on the metric system Used by scientific community
SI Base Units Physical Quantity Unit Name Abbreviation Mass kilogram kg Length meter m Time second s Temperature kelvin K Amount of substance mole mol All other units are derived units -- combinations of base units
Derived Units Volume: the amount of space a substance occupies. 1dm3 = 1 liter 1cm3 = 1milliliter (mL)
Metric Prefixes Prefix Symbol Multiplier Exponential mega M 1,000,000 106 kilo k 1000 103 hecto h 100 102 deca da 10 101 deci d 0.1 10-1 centi c 0.01 10-2 milli m 0.001 10-3 micro µ 0.000001 10-6 nano n 0.000000001 10-9
Equivalence Statements The relationship between 2 units of measure. Ex: 1 m = 1.094 yd What conversion factors can you get from this equivalence statement?
Dimensional Analysis Convert from one unit to another Conversion Factor: ratio of the two parts that relates the two units Make sure the desired unit is in the numerator and remaining units cancel out 500m = ? cm 500m x 100cm 1m
Certain or Uncertain? The book