The Great Depression and New Deal
Hard Times
Crowd Outside NY Stock Exchange After Crash
Bread Line NYC
Dorothea Lange, White Angel Breadline, San Francisco, 1933
American Legion Employment Bureau, LA
Ford Hunger March, Detroit, 1932
Hunger March Funerals, CP Headquarters, 1932
Farmers Holiday Association, Sioux City, Iowa, 1932
Bonus March, 1932
FDR & The First New Deal
Eleanor Roosevelt
Left Turn and New Deal Critics
Frances Perkins
GM Sit-down Strike, 1937
John L. Lewis
Sit Down Strikers at Woolworth’s, 14 th Street, NYC, 1937
Father Coughlin
Dr. Francis Townsend
Huey Long
Memorial Day Massacre, Chicago, 1937
Battle of The Overpass, Detroit, 1937
CP Rally, Union Square
Scottsboro Boys with CP Attorney
Southern Tenant Farmers Union, Arkansas, 1937
The Documentary Impulse
Dust Storm, Texas, 1935
Ben Shahn
Dorothea Lange, “Migrant Mother”
Dorothea Lange, “Starting Over”, 1935
Walker Evans, “Bud Fields and His Family,” Alabama, 1936
WPA Mural, Ellis Island
“Blast Furnace”