Retirement Workshop HR Connections MetLife Voluntary Group Term Life On April 1, 2012, a new plan will go into effect replacing the old plan. There will be a special enrollment period February 12-March 2 to enroll or make changes with an April 1 effective date. Coverage amounts are changing from salary multiples to $10,000 increments.
Retirement Workshop HR Connections MetLife Group Term Life February 12-March 2, 2012 If you are currently enrolled in this plan, your coverage will map automatically to the next highest $10,000 increment. Example: EE with 1x salary coverage of $42,000 Coverage maps to $50,000 automatically Eligible employees may enroll, increase/decrease coverage during this enrollment with limited health questions. Spouse and child coverage are included.
Retirement Workshop HR Connections MetLife Group Term Life February 12-March 2, 2012 Employees enrolled in MetLife can continue this coverage in retirement at active employee rates at their original amount of coverage amount up to $150,000, whichever is less. This enrollment will done through the MetLife online portal. Communication will be sent out soon.
Retirement Workshop HR Connections New Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Vendor for 2012 P&A Group is the new vendor FSA money can be used to pay for claims in 2012 up to 3/15/12. A paper FSA claim form is mandatory for 2011 claims. Claim deadline is April 30, is the online portal for flexible spending accounts.
Nominations for the 2012 University Awards For Excellence Begin February 1 st ! Visit: