Top Ten Reasons to Study History Created by Borta!
Number 10 In order to “travel” to another place and time by “listening” to people describe their time and country. (We can “talk” to the great and heroic men of the past.) In order to “travel” to another place and time by “listening” to people describe their time and country. (We can “talk” to the great and heroic men of the past.) Descartes ( CE)
The Olympics
Bedouin on a cell phone...
It’s fun to transport oneself back into history…
Number 9 To help (to some extent) predict the future. To help (to some extent) predict the future. Thucydides ( BCE)
What we are doing this century… What we are doing this century…
What will our impact be on the future?
Number 8 To praise the worthy acts of the past and keep men from doing evil for fear of how they will be viewed by history. To praise the worthy acts of the past and keep men from doing evil for fear of how they will be viewed by history. Tacitus ( CE)
Number 7 In order to improve ourselves by following the examples of great men and women of the past. In order to improve ourselves by following the examples of great men and women of the past. Marcus Aurelius ( CE)
Number 6 To learn the constant and universal principles of human nature by seeing men reacting in different kinds of situations and circumstances. To learn the constant and universal principles of human nature by seeing men reacting in different kinds of situations and circumstances. Hume ( CE)
Global Relief
Battle of Tours
Number 5 In order to judge our own customs and actions better by examining the customs of different peoples. In order to judge our own customs and actions better by examining the customs of different peoples. Descartes ( CE)
We are a world of diversity…
History is impacted by religion…
Types of Housing
What was the Berlin Wall like?
The Sphinx
Number 4 In order to preserve discoveries and inventions. In order to preserve discoveries and inventions. Aristotle ( BCE)
Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs
Roman Baths…
What would modern cities look like without the invention of skyscrapers?
How would we get around?
Number 3 To help solve our problems by defining the problems and showing us what has and has not worked in the past. To help solve our problems by defining the problems and showing us what has and has not worked in the past. Aristotle ( BCE)
Number 2 We may profit by their experience with out paying the price which it cost them. We may profit by their experience with out paying the price which it cost them. John Jay ( CE)
Nuclear Weapons…
And the Number ONE Reason to Study History… Is so that this does not happen in our class! Is so that this does not happen in our class! NUMBER ONE REASON NUMBER ONE REASON NUMBER ONE REASON