EBCC Meeting December 8, 2011
Benefits Fair Well attended Positive feedback on Benefits Fair vendors Continued concerns about parking Logistical issues related to timing of setup and take down of booths Need to identify a new location for next Fairgrounds Convention Center SCC Questions, comments, suggestions for other locations
WEA Verification WEA has contracted with a firm to conduct verification of dependents enrolled on the WEA plan Letters went out to all members with dependents on WEA plans Follow- up letters scheduled to go out on December 23 Remind staff that they need to respond and use the information numbers provided on the letters for assistance
Experience Reports See Handouts
Open Enrollment Results
Health Care Authority Study A performance audit by the Washington State Auditor’s office that reported cost saving could be achieved by changing the insurance benefit structure within K-12 was released in January 2011 The Legislature directed the Health Care Authority (HCA) to study how a statewide insurance pool could provide insurance benefits to school district employees HCA assembled a team of consultants and formed an advisory committee to obtain a better understanding of school district benefits Advisory committee consisted of representatives from WEA, insurance carriers, insurance consultants, school districts staff, HCA staff
HCA Report to Address Equitable access to quality and affordable health services for all eligible K-12 public school employees and their dependents Transparency of costs to employees, the Legislature and the public Stability in the system risk pool School district and employee participation in system governance Reduced duplication and increased cost efficiency Continuity of care, with minimal disruption to existing relationships between insured individuals and their healthcare providers
HCA Report to Contain A recommended purchasing strategy for a consolidated benefits system at the aggregate level Projected pros and cons for employees, school districts, and the state resulting from the transition from the current system to the proposed consolidated state- administered system Projected pros and cons resulting from moving to mandatory school district participation with provisions for exemption, or voluntary participation An implementation strategy identifying the process, timeline and budget the HCA will need to undertake to successfully implement necessary management, operations, information systems, etc. for start-up as early as the school year.
HCA Draft Report Concerns about provisions in the draft report have been expressed by member of the advisory committee and others Requirements under opt out provision Handling of vision, dental and other insurance benefits Level of benefits available to employees Impact on bargaining Input is still being accepted by the HCA
HCA Report and Beyond HCA report to be provided to the state legislature by December 15 Additional information is available on the HCA website at under K12 Benefits Report HCA is prepared to answer additional questions from the Legislature and explore any additional options as directed by the Legislature Legislative action is necessary to change the existing benefit structure
Reminders Flexible spending account enrollment forms due December 15 New premiums will be reflected in December pay New pooling rates in effect for December Administration building will be closed from December 24- January 2 as a result of budget reductions. Staff will be utilizing vacation during this time.
Enjoy Winter Break Thank you for serving on the EBCC