No Taxation Without Representation
Do Now Take out your vocabulary sheet and Lesson 5.1 Fact- Finder
Revenue Incoming money from taxes or other sources
Writ of Assistance Court document allowing customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods
Resolution An official expression of opinion by a group
Effigy A mocking figure representing an unpopular individual
Boycott To refuse to buy items in order to show disapproval or force acceptance of one’s terms
Repeal To cancel an act or law
The Seven Years War The English and the French battled for colonial domination in North America, the Caribbean, and in India The English were successful in winning the war, with the help of the American colonists The war left England with a lot of debt
Proclamation of 1763 This order prohibited, or barred, colonists from living west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Proclamation of 1763
Proclamation of 1763 This was set up for the following reasons: a. Keep peace between Native Americans and settlers b. Kept colonists near the Atlantic coast, where British authority was stronger c. Allowed Britain to control westward expansion and the fur trade
Proclamation of 1763 King George III sent 10,000 troops to enforce the proclamation and keep peace with Native Americans.
New Taxes Great Britain needed revenue, or income, to pay for the troops, and to pay off large debts from the French and Indian War.
New Taxes They issued new taxes and enforced old taxes more strictly.
New Taxes To avoid taxes, some colonists resorted to smuggling, and this caused British revenues to fall.
Smuggling Parliament then passed a law to have accused smugglers tried royally, and empowered customs officers to obtain writs of assistance.
Smuggling These documents allowed the officers to search almost anywhere for smuggled goods.
Smuggling Poster
The Sugar Act This lowered the tax on the molasses the colonists imported. Britain hoped that this would lead to colonists paying the tax instead of smuggling. It also allowed officers to seize goods from accused smugglers without going to court.
The Sugar Act Colonists believed they had a right to a trial by jury, and to be viewed as innocent until proved guilty. They also did not want their homes randomly searched for smuggled goods.
The Stamp Act In 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp Act. This law taxed almost all printed materials. Newspapers, wills, and even playing cards needed a stamp to show that the tax had been paid.
The Stamp Act Patrick Henry: passed a resolution – a formal expression of opinion – declaring that only the burgesses could tax its citizens.
The Stamp Act Samuel Adams: helped start the Sons of Liberty. They burned effigies, or stuffed figures, made to look like tax collectors.
The Stamp Act People urged merchants to boycott, or refuse to buy – British goods in protest. Businesses in Britain lost so much money that they demanded Parliament repeal, or cancel, the Stamp Act.
The Stamp Act Protests
The Townshend Acts 1767: Parliament taxed imported goods, such as glass, tea, and paper, before they were brought inside the colonies.
Tip Import means to go in to a country.
The Townshend Acts Women protested by supporting another boycott of British goods. They also urged colonists to wear homemade fabrics rather than buying fabrics made in Britain.
The Townshend Acts Some women’s groups called themselves the Daughters of Liberty.
Critical Thinking In your opinion, which act was the harshest on the colonists? (Proclamation of 1763, the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, or the Townshend Act). Explain your answer.
Wrap Up Questions 1. Explain the Proclamation of 1763
Wrap Up Questions 2. How are the Stamp Act and Sugar Act similar? How are they different?
Wrap Up Questions 3. Why do you think Samuel Adams and others formed the “Sons of Liberty” instead of just acting alone to express their anger at the British policies?
Wrap Up Questions 4. How was the Townshend Act different from the Stamp Act and Sugar Act?