HPCVL High Performance Computing Virtual Laboratory Founded 1998 as a joint HPC lab between –Carleton U. (Comp. Sci.) –Queen’s U. (Engineering) –U. of Ottawa (Health Sci.) More than $25 M in funding so far
HPCVL Infrastructure SunFire 6800 Cluster PC Cluster IBM SP Largest academic HPC installation in Canada according to the TOP500 list of the world's most powerful computer systems Carleton U. Queen’s U.Ottawa U. Royal Mil. College HPCVL
SunFire 6800 Cluster 14 SunFire 6800 Each SunFire 6800 has 24 Sun UltraSPARC III processors, 24MB memory, 9.6 GB/sec system interconnect Total of 336 processors, 768 GB of RAM and 11.7 TB of disk storage ~ 2m
PC Cluster 64 nodes with dual 1.7/2.0 GHz Xeon Processors w/ 1 GB RAM, 60 GB of disk storage per node Cisco 6509 switch with Gigabit ethernet
Frank and Andrew’s CGM 1 NSERC equipment grant for parallel data mining research 32 nodes with dual 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 Xeon Processors, 1 GB RAM and two 40 GB IDE disks Foundry Networks switch, 100 MB/s Ethernet