ACADEMY NSS RESOURCES - INTRODUCTION Gosia Kulej Project Co-ordinator (Surveys) 9 July, Leeds
Introduction Academys position Areas of work Plans for the future
Academy Academy strategic aims: 1. Identify, develop and disseminate evidence-informed approaches 2. Broker and encourage the sharing of effective practice Mission: We support the sector in providing the best possible learning experience for all students Evidence Informed Practice Team – core strategic function 1. Gather, synthesise and make available relevant evidence 2. Promote the use of evidence-informed approaches to enhance the student learning experience
NSS is an enhancement tool
Areas of work Broker of HEIs effective practice Institutional case studies Survey conference Listening to the sector NSS working group HE in FE workshops National level research Commissioned work International perspective NSSE Advise to Hefce/TQI committee NSS development Additional scales
12 Institutional case studies Alignment of internal surveys with national surveys Role in the Enhancement Process Using feedback to drive change Getting to grips with the NSS results: presenting the statistics in house Aligning the NSS with Institutional Quality Processes Case studies from FE Colleges? al_case_studies
Survey conference NSS annual conference 2006, 2007 and 2008 Survey conference in 2009 (Nottingham, 2 June) All national student experience surveys: NSS, PTES, PRES, iGraduate Emphasis on use of survey evidence to enhance students experience Sharing effective practice across different surveys
NSS working group Intensive work with a small number of HEIs Articulation of key issues for HEIs Two meetings per year in York Work of the group more visible Going online
National level research Paula Surridge reports (Hefce) Work commissioned by the Academy: Marsh and Cheng (2008) National Student Survey of Teaching in UK Universities: Dimensionality, Multilevel structure and Differentiation at the Level of University and Discipline: Preliminary Results S_herb_marsh pdf Williams et al (2008) Exploring the NSS: Assessment and Feedback Issues _and_Feedback_ExecSummary_ pdf Fielding, A., Charlton, C., Kounali, D and Leckie, G. (2008) Degree attainment,ethnicity and gender: Interactions and the modification of effects. A quantitativeanalysis. ve_Report_March08.pdf Paula Surridge summary of all these pieces of research S_three_years_on_surridge_ pdf
National level research (2) Saunders and Machell (2007) Exploratory evaluation of the use of the National Student Survey Results Dissemination Website on_resource Academys own work: Interpreting National Student Survey (NSS) data using multi-level modelling. A non- technical guide g_data_nontechnical_guide.pdf Additional NSS items
International perspective Comparative review of national surveys of undergraduate students work/research/NSS_comparative_review_resource Closer look at National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) – US
Advise to Hefce/TQI committee Academy is a part of the NSS steering group Involvement in NSS/TQI committee (Teaching Quality Information) Membership of the NSS Research Panel (Hefce and HESA) Value for money item – discussion panel Involvement in developing new NSS dissemination website
NSS development 12 new banks of questions Developed by the Academy Piloted in 2007 Assessed in 2008 Also used in 2008 and arch/NSS_2007_optional_items urvey_Conference_NCSL_Nottingham (PP by Derek Young)
Plans for the future Student engagement (i.e. NSS) very high on Academys agenda for next year (on of the priority areas) NSS results at subject level Individual reports to each Subject Centre (starting point) Different composition of students body in each discipline? More multilevel analysis concerning differences between disciplines Qualitative comments Scoping exercise HE in FE support Similar events depending on feedback Representation on the NSS working group …
Evidence Informed Practice Team NSS work remains in EIP remit Team: Gosia Kulej Abigail Brooks Matthew Watkins