Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center Creating Class Rosters with Predictions and/or Growth Data Presented by Sharon Allen 2008 Accountability Conference
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center When Prediction – Beginning of school year or semester (typically wait until after first 10 days so most class changes have been made) Growth – End of year or semester – if possible run growth report in ABCTools if not possible use WinScan test scores (calculate change score but I do not calculate growth)
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center Prediction Class Roster by Math class Class Roster by Language Arts class Class Roster by EOC subject Pretest scores Predicted score Number of students needed to be proficient for AYP
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center Growth Class Roster by Math class Class Roster by Language Arts class Class Roster by EOC subject Pretest scores Predicted score Current Score Change Score - Growth Number of students needed to be proficient for AYP Number of students proficient
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center How- NCWISE Using ABCTools create Prediction or growth roster in SQL Export roster as tab deliminated file Export course file from NCWISE (Export/Adhoc) for each school Import files into Access database
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center How – SIMS Using ABCTools create Prediction or growth roster in SQL Export roster as tab deliminated file Save Teacher list as text file Import.crs file (list of student courses) Import teacher.txt file Import prediction or growth roster into access database
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center How - Access Database Create a query for each school/grade/subject –Student name –Teacher –Test Scores –Predictions/Growth
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center How – Access Database Create report for each school/grade/subject –Group by teacher/subject –Student name –Pretest scores –Current Year Scores –Predicted Scores –Change Score - Growth
Hoke County Schools…Becoming a 21 st Century Learning Center Sharon Allen Testing and Accountability Coordinator Hoke County Schools Phone – Cell – –