Generating new variables and manipulating data with STATA Biostatistics 212 Lecture 3
Review Do and Log files –Understand each command! –Order them appropriately
cd “C:\data\biostat212\” capture log close log using “filename.log”, replace set more off version 12 capture clear capture clear matrix set memory 10m /* Comments here about what the do file does */ use “datasetname.dta”, clear describe, short *** Analysis * Add stuff here log close set more on No longer necessary in Stata 12 Tells stata where to go, by default, for files Closes a log if there is one open, or “captures” the error that would occur if there isn’t one open Opens a new log file Tells Stata not to pause for voluminous output So your do file still runs in “Stata 15” after commands have changed syntax Opens your dataset Describes your dataset, with date last saved To remind yourself and/or communicate to others The stuff you actually want to get done and document! Close the log file Reset to default Stata setting (pause for voluminous output)
cd “C:\data\biostat212\” capture log close log using “filename.log”, replace set more off version 12 capture clear capture clear matrix set memory 10m /* Comments here about what the do file does */ use “datasetname.dta”, clear describe, short *** Analysis * Add stuff here log close set more on No longer necessary in Stata 12 Tells stata where to go, by default, for files Closes a log if there is one open, or “captures” the error that would occur if there isn’t one open Opens a new log file Tells Stata not to pause for voluminous output So your do file still runs in “Stata 15” after commands have changed syntax Opens your dataset Describes your dataset, with date last saved To remind yourself and/or communicate to others The stuff you actually want to get done and document! Close the log file Reset to default Stata setting (pause for voluminous output)
cd “C:\data\biostat212\” capture log close log using “filename.log”, replace set more off version 12 capture clear capture clear matrix set memory 10m /* Comments here about what the do file does */ use “datasetname.dta”, clear describe, short *** Analysis * Add stuff here log close set more on No longer necessary in Stata 12 Tells stata where to go, by default, for files Closes a log if there is one open, or “captures” the error that would occur if there isn’t one open Opens a new log file Tells Stata not to pause for voluminous output So your do file still runs in “Stata 15” after commands have changed syntax Opens your dataset Describes your dataset, with date last saved To remind yourself and/or communicate to others The stuff you actually want to get done and document! Close the log file Reset to default Stata setting (pause for voluminous output)
For today’s lab… 1)substitute: 2)add: cd “C:\data\biostat212\” capture log close log using “filename.log”, replace set more off version 12 capture clear capture clear matrix set memory 10m /* Comments here about what the do file does */ use “datasetname.dta”, clear describe, short *** Analysis * Add stuff here log close set more on clear insheet using “data.csv” [data cleaning commands] save “cleandata.dta”
Review Any do/log file questions?
Today... What we did in Lab 1, and why it was unrealistic What does “data cleaning” mean? Importing data into Stata How to generate a variable How to manipulate the data in your new variable How to label variables and otherwise document your work Examples
Last time… What was unrealistic?
Last time… What was unrealistic? –The dataset came as a Stata.dta file
Last time… What was unrealistic? –The dataset came as a Stata.dta file –The variables were ready to analyze
Last time… What was unrealistic? –The dataset came as a Stata.dta file –The variables were ready to analyze –Most variables were labeled
Last time… i.e. – The data was “clean”
How your data will arrive On paper forms In a text file (comma or tab delimited) In Excel In Access In another data format (SAS, etc)
Importing into Stata From “delimited” text file: –Import directly using insheet, infile, or other flexible Stata commands (e.g., insheet using filename.csv ) From Excel or Access: –Save as a delimited text file (.csv) and import as above –Import directly using the import command (new in Stata 12) –Copy and Paste – Use Extreme Caution! From SAS or other analysis program: –Export a delimited text file from within SAS and import as above –Use StatTransfer to directly convert into Stata dataset (or Access, etc) From REDCap: –Use the “Data Export Tool” function in REDCap to get a text file + a simple do file –Do file commands import and LABEL the data for you –Put the simple do file commands into your own “real” do file –Change the pathname as needed to point to where you put the text file
Importing into Stata Delimited text file: id,age,htn,dm,smoke,chol,cac,dead,obstime,anycac,caccat,agecat,male,ageover60,sex 1,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,1125,0,"0","<30",1,0,"male" 2,25,0,0,0,1,0,0,1125,0,"0","<30",0,0,"female" 3,25,1,0,1,0,0,0,1064,0,"0","<30",0,0,"female" 4,25,1,0,1,0,0,0,1064,0,"0","<30",0,0,"female" 5,25,0,0,0,0,0,0,913,0,"0","<30",1,0,"male" 6,25,0,0,1,0,0,0,852,0,"0","<30",0,0,"female" 7,25,0,0,0,1,3,0,699,1,"1-99","<30",1,0,"male" 8,26,0,0,0,1,0,0,1674,0,"0","<30",1,0,"male" 9,26,1,0,1,0,0,0,1460,0,"0","<30",0,0,"female" 10,26,1,0,1,0,0,0,1460,0,"0","<30",0,0,"female" 11,26,0,0,0,0,0,0,1368,0,"0","<30",1,0,"male" 12,26,0,0,0,0,0,0,1156,0,"0","<30",1,0,"male“ Etc Could use other characters to “delimit” (tab, |, etc; nothing that’s actually IN a variable value…) File extensions can be.txt,.csv,.raw, and other…
Importing into Stata Importing text data using a Stata command –NICE because you can do within a do file –insheet if you have delimited data –infile if you have fixed character length data –Watch out for variable names (in first row or not?) –Watch out for variable labels (import the labels instead of values? Don’t want to lose the labels if possible…) –Use “import” from the “File” dropdown menu to help build the command and find helpful options
Importing into Stata Whatever you do, make sure it worked! –Look at the data
Importing into Stata Demo – neonatal opiate withdrawal data –Import with insheet (save as.csv file first) –Import with import –Import with cut and paste from Excel - DANGER
Exploring your data Figure out what all those variables mean Options –Browse, describe, summarize, list in STATA –Refer to a data dictionary –Refer to a data collection form –Guess, or ask the person who gave it to you
Exploring your data Demo: Neonatal opiate withdrawal data
Exploring your data Demo: Neonatal opiate withdrawal data Problems arise… –Many variable names are obscure –Sex is m/f, not 1/0 –Gestational age has nonsense values (0, 60) –“Matdose” mostly numbers, but some long text values –Drug variables coded y or blank –Extra blank observations and variables
Cleaning your data You must “clean” your data so it is ready to analyze.
Cleaning your data What does the variable measure? –rename and/or label var so it’s clear Find nonsense values and outliers –track down real value, recode as missing, “trim”, etc? Deal with missing values –Too many values missing in some subjects? Coding consistent? –drop variable or observation? Impute? Categorize as needed –generate a new numeric variable –recode (dichotomous variables coded as 1/0, watch missing values) –label define and then label values –Check tab oldvar newvar, missing bysort catvar: sum contvar
Cleaning your data The importance of documentation –Retracing your steps Document every step using a “do” file
Data cleaning Basic skill 1 – Making a new variable Creating new variables generate newvar = expression
Data cleaning Basic skill 1 – Making a new variable Creating new variables generate newvar = expression An “expression” can be: –A number (constant) - generate allzeros = 0 –A variable - generate ageclone = age –A function - generate agesqrt = sqrt(age)+1
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Changing the values of a variable replace var = exp [if boolean_expression] A boolean expression evaluates to “true” or “false” for each observation
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Changing the values of a variable replace var = exp [if boolean_expression] A boolean expression evaluates to “true” or “false” for each observation Stata walks through each observation and evaluate the boolean statement and makes changes as needed
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Examples generate bmi = weight/(height^2) generate male = 0 replace male = 1 if sex== " male " generate ageover50 = 0 replace ageover50 = 1 if age>50 generate complexvar = age replace complexvar = (ln(age)*3) /// if (age>30 | male==1) & (othervar1>=othervar2)
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Logical operators for boolean expressions: EnglishStata Equal to == Not equal to! =, ~= Greater than> Greater than/equal to> = Less than < Less than/equal to <= And & Or |
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Logical operators for boolean expressions: EnglishStata Equal to == Not equal to! =, ~= Greater than> Greater than/equal to> = Less than < Less than/equal to <= And & Or | What out for “type mismatch” errors: ==“string_value” ==numeric_value
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Mathematical operators: EnglishStata Add + Subtract - Multiply * Divide/ To the power of ^ Natural log of ln(expression) Base 10 log of log10(expression) Etcetera…
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Another way to manipulate data recode var oldvalue1=newvalue1 [oldvalue2=newvalue2] [if boolean_expression] More complicated, but more flexible command than replace
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Examples generate male = 0 recode male 0=1 if sex == " male " generate female = male recode female 1=0 0=1
Data cleaning Basic skill 2 – Manipulating values of a variable Examples generate raceethnic = race recode raceethnic 1=6 if ethnic== " hispanic " equivalent to: replace raceethnic = 6 if ethnic== " hispanic " & race==1 generate tertilescac = cac recode tertilescac min/54=1 55/82=2 83/max=3
Data cleaning Basic skill 3 – Getting rid of variables/observations Getting rid of a variable drop var Getting rid of observations drop if boolean_expression
Data cleaning Basic skill 4 – Labeling things You can label: –A dataset label data “label” Example: label data “Coronary artery calcium dataset” –A variable label var varname “label” Example: label var cac “Coronary calcium score, in Agatston units”
Data cleaning Basic skill 4 – Labeling things You can label: –Values of a variable (2-step process) label define labelname value1 “label1” [value2 “value2”…] label values varname labelname label define caccatlabel 0 “0” 1 “1-100” 2 “ ” 3 “>400” label values caccat caccatlabel
Data cleaning Basic skill 5 –Dealing with missing values Missing values are important, easy to forget –. for numbers –“” for text –tab var1 var2 [, missing] –Watch the total “n” for tab, summarize commands, regression analyses, etc.
Data cleaning Demo: Neonatal opiate withdrawal data
Data cleaning Demo: Neonatal opiate withdrawal data –Drop nonsense rows and columns –Clean up year, sex, ga, bw, matdose, cocaine Label, outliers, missing values, categorize/label values, check –Generate low birthweight or premature variable –One way to convert matdose to numeric destring matdose, generate(matdosenum) force
Cleaning your data (recap) What does the variable measure? –rename or label var so it’s clear Find nonsense values and outliers –recode as missing or track down real value? Deal with missing values –Too many for some observations? Coding consistent? –drop variable or observation? Categorize as needed –generate a new numeric variable –recode (dichotomous variables coded as 1/0, watch missing values) –label define and then label values –Check tab oldvar newvar, missing bysort catvar: sum contvar
Data cleaning At the end of the day you have: –1 raw data file, original format –1 do file that cleans it up –1 log file that documents the cleaning –1 clean data file, Stata format
Summary Data cleaning –ALWAYS necessary to some extent –ALWAYS use a do file –NEVER overwrite original data –Check your work –Watch out for missing values –Label as much as you can
Lab this week Clean up “Intoxication” dataset It’s long, hard, and important working do file to your section leaders Due at the beginning of lecture next week