JOURNAL RESPONSE #11 MAY 7TH Do you enjoy listening to music? If so, what do you enjoy about it? What types of music do you enjoy, and why? Do you think that music can put you in a certain mood? Or inspire you to change behavior? Or teach you something? Explain. Give examples.
DISCUSSION With the person/people sitting next to you tell them about the song lyrics you brought to class and share why the song inspires you. Based on the songs shared, can you draw any conclusions about the types of songs that inspire kids your age?
SMALL GROUPS Consider the following questions: If you wanted something to change (at your school, in your community or in society as a whole), how might you go about changing it? How could music help in this way? What role do you think music can play in inciting change?
YOUR OWN SONG Go back to your desk and look at your own song. Is your song inspirational in any way? Why do you think people like this song? Respond to this in your journal-adding on to journal response #11.