“B E THE P OWER OF O NE ” B UILDING C HARACTER FOR S UCCESS “Let’s Play and Work Together” Lesson K.13 Created By: Pam Gunter
P REPARATION Materials Needed: A table or desk. On a piece of paper draw a stop sign, an ear, a mouth or lips, and a question mark or light bulb. Classroom Setup: The students may sit at their desks or on the floor at the beginning of the lesson. During the lesson you will need some open floor space.
C HALLENGE OF THE W EEK – F OLLOW U P Ask the children if they remember what last week’s challenge was. Have them share experiences they had about making good choices when they were angry. Did they try to relax, think of good thoughts, and remember to speak respectfully to others even if they were upset?
T HE A CTIVITY Begin today’s lesson by explaining that everyone is different in the classroom. Ask the students what are some differences between students. Color of hair, skin, height, weight, clothes, families, interests, values, etc. Explain that because of those types of differences, often times people disagree and they choose to fight to try and prove their way or idea is better than someone else’s. That is called “conflict”. Have the students all share what their favorite food is. Have one student describe their favorite food in detail. Ask if everyone agrees that the food described is all of their favorite food. Ask one student that disagrees what their favorite is. Have them describe their favorite food. Explain to the students that this is a simple difference between two students. Sometimes, however, differences can cause anger and make people sad. Being different doesn’t mean that someone is right and someone is wrong. They are just different. Use several examples of differences until they understand that differences doesn’t mean someone is right and someone is wrong.
T HE A CTIVITY - C ONTINUED Sometimes when there are differences, we get very angry and upset. When that happens, there are things we can do to work out our differences. 1. When we start feeling upset, we need to stop and relax. 2. We need to show respect by listening to the other person’s ideas. 3. You need to share your ideas. 4. You need to think about all of the ideas. 5. You need to choose the best idea. Will you idea always be chosen? Why? Or, why not?
T HE A CTIVITY - C ONTINUED Ask a student to come to the front of the class. Have the student pick up a table with one of their hands. After a few moments of trying, ask the student if they have a solution how they could lift it using only one of their hands. Have the student ask the opinion of others how they can accomplish the task. Encourage the students to work together to come up with a solution. Reiterate that you told the student that they could only use one of their hands. Encourage the students to work together using only one of their hands to lift the table.
T HE O BJECT OF THE L ESSON Points instructor needs to bring out: Reinforce to the students that everyone on earth is different, even identical twins. We have different looks, feelings, interests, etc. Just because we are different doesn’t mean that one person is better than another. When we disagree, we need to cool off, be respectful, listen, speak when it is our turn, think which idea is the best for everyone, and do it. When we work together, we can accomplish many things.
C HALLENGE OF THE W EEK Encourage the students to spend time this week observing differences in others. Have them practice the steps of resolving differences and conflicts. 1. Stop and cool off. (hold up the stop sign) 2. Show respect and listen. (hold up the ear) 3. Share your ideas when it is your turn. (hold up the lips or mouth) 4. Think what would be best for everyone. (hold up the question mark or light bulb) 5. Do it!