Participation of TCRF in the Constitutional Reform Tanzania Child Rights Forum (TCRF) is a platform with open membership committed to credibly support the fulfillment of children’s rights in Tanzania. Tanzania Child Rights Forum (TCRF) Kijitonyama Mpakani, Afrika Sana Area, Off Shekilango Rd., P.O. Box 31398, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Objective of this session 1.To share information regarding the TCRF engagement in the constitution review process, steps taken and the results 2.To plan for future engagement in an ongoing constitutional review process- CSO readiness in the referendum
Everyone is aware of the ongoing constitutional reform in the country. This presents itself as one of the rarest opportunity in any country in which stakeholders can engage at the very highest level of the legislative reform. TCRF, considering its role in the advocacy for policy and legal framework for child rights.
Approaches TCRF after consultation with its members on the need for engaging in the constitutional review process, took the following measures: – Developed a Concept Note articulating the need for engaging and the approaches to be used – Engaged in fundraising for the process – Formed a Task Technical Team to conduct desk research and execute the process
Approaches The TTT: – conducted an intensive desk review, and comparative study from around other countries experiences and how they were successful in integrating child rights in their constitutions. Consulted with the like minded networks on the areas of collaboration and building synergies Contacted some children and youth networks to solicit for children contribution – as a way of ensuring there is child participation in the process.
Products Finally, the TTT: – Finally the TTT came up with the draft TCRF’s Common Position – The draft Common Position Paper was disseminated, shared among the TCRF Zonal Forums ( North, Southern Highlands and North Western) and gained more contribution.
Products The purpose of dissemination in the zonal was twofold: – One, is to share the information and what the TCRF was engaged in, but also – To pre-position our membership to ably engage in the rounds of the CRC opinion gatherings in the regions raise the profile of children in the Constitution.
And finally: The Consolidated Common Position Paper was submitted to the Constutition Review Commission ( Tume ya Katiba). Based on this submision- TCRF was invited as one of the interest group( makundi maalum) to present before the Commission
Matters arising: Deliberations before the CRC indicated that issues pertaining to child rights were pertinent and one that the Commission was ready to be assisted to articulate. TCRF was applauded for the efforts to highlight child rights in the constitution and urged to expand the issues in much more detail TCRF was invited to submit additional inputs – for which the TTT went back to the drawing tables to strengthen the existing Paper as well as propose the specific article for the constitution. The additional inputs have been submitted already ( see papers in folder)
Lessons learnt While it is was easy to assume that children issues would have been addressed more vocally by the members of public and civil society- unfortunately, we learnt that it was falling off the agenda without TCRF interventions the CRC was and it is very responsive of the child rights issues and this is a great opportunity Unlike other topical issues at the moment ( e.g natural resources, union etc) in the country- child rights is free of perceptions of political influence …. There is sufficient constituency to validate our opinion.
Opportunities and way forward: As the CRC is presently analyzing opinion for report and draft constitution, it is pertinent that: – Our Position is keenly disseminated within the Forum’s membership to help members engage in the forthcoming processes – The process includes TCRF’s ability to comment on the Draft Constitution- and – Engage in campaigns – And to organize ourselves on how to go about it( forming mabaraza)
So, your suggestions are invited in relation to: How to engage the CSOs to participate in the post- draft constitution phase Areas we can further collaborate with the government to strengthen our position on child rights issues.
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