Access Manual 2 By Dhawala Kovuri Elham S.Khorasani Ismail Guneydas
Overview Importing text files Creating Forms Creating Reports
Importing files You can import External files to MS Access (including text file, Excel file or files from other database applications e.g. SQL database files.) For importing a text file, Click on the “External Data” tab and click on text file. An importing dialog box appears which helps you through the importing process. click on the “browse” button and navigate to the location of the text file that you wish to import and click on OK.
Importing Text file
Importing Cont. There are three options for where to store the imported data: Importing the source data into a new table… Will allow the data determine the structure and properties for the Fields. Appending the source data to an existing table… Populates the table that you have created the structure for it. Create a linked table to the source data. You cannot change or delete data of a linked table.
Importing Cont. Select the appropriate field delimiter that was used in the imported text file. Important note: Make sure that the box “First row contains field names” is checked. Access adds a default ID column as the primary, in order to change it you need to select “choose my own primary key” option and specify your primary key field.
Make sure this box is checked
Choose your primary key here
Creating Forms Like Datasheet view, Forms can be used to manipulate records in a table. To create a form, click on the “create” tab and select the table for which you want to create form and click on the “Form” button. Click on the save button and specify a name for your form.
Form views Two views for modifying the form: Form view: This view is used to change records in the table, e.g. add/delete/modify Layout view: To change the layout of the form, e.g. add/delete/change labels and fields.
Use Form view to add/delete records To add a new record, click the “new” button on the navigation bar and type your data in the form. Press tab key to move to the next field. To delete a record, move to that record by clicking the next record arrow at the bottom of the page then click on “delete” button on the navigation bar
Click here to move to the next record
Filtering records in a Form You can filter your form to show only records that satisfy a special criterion. For example in the “student “ form you wish to see the records of the students that their GPA is greater than To do this, first click on the GPA field in the form view then click on the “filter” button on navigation bar and choose “number filters” option and click on “greater than”. As a practice, create a new form from the student table and filter the form to show only the students whose first name begins with “j”. Note that the data type of the first name is text, therefore you need to choose “text filters”.
Click on Filter Button
Creating Form using From wizard You can use access form wizard to create a form. Click on the “create” tab on the navigation bar then click on the “more forms” and choose “form wizard” option A dialog window will be opened that will help you to create a form and customize your form fields, layout and style.
Split Form You can view the form and datasheet at the same time by creating “split” form. Click on the “create” tab on the navigation bar, then select the table for which you wish to create a split form, then click on split form.
Creating Reports To create a report, click on the “create” button on the navigation bar, then click on “report wizard”. A dialog box will be opened that will help you to create and customize your report. First step is to select the table and the fields that you wish to be shown in your report. The second step lets you group data by a specific field. For example, for the student table you may want to group the students by their major. At the third step, you can sort records in your report, for example you can sort students by their first name. Other steps are for customizing the layout and style of the report.