2001 Chamber Survey The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce
Introduction During this year’s Roundtable in Gimli, a number of Chambers requested that we undertake an exchange of information that focused on how Chambers across Manitoba operate. It was hoped that this exchange of information would generate ideas for local Chambers as to how they could become more effective. A survey was sent to all chambers of commerce earlier this year. This is a report on the findings.
Survey Methodology 10 questions were posed to all member chambers of commerce These questions looked at: - Chamber priorities - Funding - Dues structure - Staffing structure - Membership drive strategies - Chamber functions 40 chambers responded
1. Chamber Priorities
2. Board Structure
Chamber Committees Many and varied examples were provided Most were standing committees, with the common ones being membership development, community promotion/economic development and government relations
Does Your Board Develop Multi- year Strategies ?
Board Meeting Frequency
3. Sources of Funding
4. Chamber Dues Structure
5. Chamber Office Staffing
6. Membership Development Chambers listed many different methods of attracting new members. The most common are: Membership committee Word of mouth Personal contact/face to face/one on one Letter with follow-up
Most Successful Methods By far, personal contact either by phone or face-to-face has proven most successful for those chambers who responded “Open house” with information to prospective members also very effective Follow-up is critical
7. Membership Services
Others of Interest Extend the fuel discount to all gas companies Discounted postal rates Roadside assistance Discounted internet service
8. Most Interesting Topics for Chamber Functions Lobbying Gov’t to help smaller rural areas eg. Apprentice programs Seminars on how to make a chamber more effective How to promote tourism or business in our community High speed internet access How to overcome the barrier of distance (travel time) for some chambers
Other Topics of Interest On-going fundraising ideas Declining populations/community survival Utility rates Membership attraction/retention Rural economic development
Would Your Chamber Attend These Functions?
9. Why Do Businesses Join Your Chamber ? Membership benefits Community support/promotion Networking Business support
10. What Can the MCC Do to Assist Your Chamber Make it easier to network using technology when distances are prohibitive Examine ways to recruit members Expand member benefits Keep local chambers “in the loop” at all times!
The Results of the 2001 Chamber Survey Can Be Found on the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Website at :