Destination management in Europe – early research findings of a survey with practitioners across 6 European countries S. Brańka J. Plichta Foundation of the University of Economics in Krakow A. Coca-Stefaniak ATCM Dundee, 24 – 27 VI 2014
Brief introduction to the SCOUT project Partners: – ATCM (UK) – Regional Chamber of Commerce of Central Bohemia (Czech Republic) – Fundacja Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie (Poland) – OKUL YÖNETİCİLERİ DERNEĞİ (Turkey) – Svenska Stadskärnor (Sweden) – Czech It - Institute for Strategic Studies on Tourism (Czech Republic) – VCT ENDYSI (Greece) Goals Survey: February – June 2014
Survey results
The number of replies - overall Overall: 209 replies Replies per country:
Average respondent’s age – overall
Average respondent’s age – the differences between partner countries Age group% of replies in UK % of replies in Sweden % of replies in Poland % of replies in Greece % of replies in Turkey % of replies in Czech Republic 35 and under 9,810,625,632,270,546,2
Respondent’s gender- overall 53,6 % 46,4 %
Type of employing organisation – overall
Type of employing organisation – UK only (In Poland 86 %)
Type of employing organisation – Sweden only
Respondents’ job title - overall
Formal (written) strategy according to respondents’ job titles – UK only Job titlesTourism Management of the town centre Place branding Integrated destination management Place marketing Culture and heritage Place manageme nt 41,7%71,9%62,5%44,4%61,1%54,5% Tourism29,2%6,3% 22,2%11,1%9,1% Others29,1%21,8%31,2%33,4%27,8%36,4%
Formal (written) strategy – all partners Formal (written) strategy for: UKSVEPLELTRCZ Tourism39,3 %25,5 %34,9 %71,4 %76,5 %69,2 % Place marketing29,5 %21,3 %14 %25 %30,8 % Culture and heritage 20,9 %25 %11,8 %23,1 % Management of the town centre 52,5 %59,6 % Place branding Integrated destination management None of the above Other
In your job, how much of your time is actually taken up by the following activities (1/2) Tourism and Leisure Evening economy management Engaging with visitors Engaging with local residents Czech23,1%15,4%100,0%84,6% Greece21,4%3,6%71,4%50,0% UK41,0%50,8%54,1%65,6% Poland14,0%16,3%76,7%93,0% Sweden71,7%37,0%80,4%87,0% Turkey41,2%11,8%64,7% Responses: Most of the Time and Some of the Time
In your job, how much of your time is actually taken up by the following activities (2/2) Partners Engaging with local businesses Engaging with NGOs and social enterprises Events and festivals Marketing activities cs-CZ76,9%46,2%100,0%92,3% el-GR64,3%50,0%82,1%85,7% en-GB98,4%57,4%86,9% pl-PL72,1%65,1%81,4%79,1% sv-SE87,2%47,8%82,6%95,7% tr-TR70,6%50,0%75,0%64,7% Responses: Most of the Time and Some of the Time
Top 10 success factors in respondents’ job - overall RankAreaNo of replies% 1Events & festivals11253,6 2Tourism & Leisure10952,2 3Marketing activities10148,3 4Engaging with local businesses8842,1 5Engaging with visitors8239,2 6Engaging with local residents7636,4 7Strategic Planning7435,4 8Partnership management7033,5 9Retail Development4521,5 10Engaging with NGO’s & social enterprises 3818,2
Top 12 success factors in respondents’ job – UK only RankArea% 1Engaging with local businesses80,3 2Events & festivals60,7 3Marketing activities55,7 4Partnership management55,7 5Tourism & Leisure41 6Strategic Planning37,7 7Economic Development29,5 8Evening economy management23 9Engaging with visitors21,3 10Finance & Funding21,3 11Retail Development21,3 12Physical Environment Improvements 21,3
Top 10 success factors in respondents’ job – Sweden only RankArea% 1Retail Development57,4 % 2Events & festivals55,3 % 3Marketing activities55,3 % 4Engaging with visitors53,2 % 5Strategic Planning51,1 % 6Urban planning42,6 % 7Engaging with local residents31,9 % 8Partnership management31,9 % 9Engaging with local businesses29,8 % 10Tourism & Leisure21,3 %
Top 10 success factors in respondents’ job – Poland only RankArea% 1Engaging with local residents67,4 2Tourism & Leisure62,8 3Events & Festivals53,5 4Engaging with NGO’s and social enterprises 48,8 5Engaging with visitors41,9 6Marketing activities37,2 7Administration20,9 8Finance & Funding18,6 9Education & Training18,6 10Strategic Planning18,6
Top 10 success factors in respondents’ job – Greece only RankArea% 1Tourism & Leisure82,1 2Marketing activities42,9 3Strategic Planning42,9 4Partnership management39,3 % 5Administration39,3 6Engaging with local businesses35,7 % 7Engaging with visitors35,7 % 8Engaging with local residents32,1 9Events & Festivals32,1 10Economic Development25 11Education & Training25
Top 5 success factors in respondents’ job – Turkey only RankArea% 1Tourism & Leisure82,4 2Events & Festivals58,8 3Engaging with visitors47,1 4Education & Training47,1 5Marketing activities35,3
Top 5 success factors in respondents’ job – Czech Republic only RankArea% 1Tourism & Leisure76,9 2Engaging with visitors61,5 3Events & Festivals53,8 4Marketing activities53,8 5Engaging with local residents46,2
What proportion of your area’s planned cultural activities target each of the key stakeholder groups (1/2) Local residents Investors Local businesses Students cs-CZ 100,0%15,4% 38,5%76,9% el-GR 100,0%57,1% 85,7%57,1% en-GB 98,3%46,7% 86,7%55,0% pl-PL 93,0%46,5% 55,8%46,5% sv-SE 56,5%10,9% 45,7%15,2% tr-TR 76,5%70,6% 68,8%64,7% Responses: „Quite a lot” and „All of them”
What proportion of your area’s planned cultural activities target each of the key stakeholder groups (2/2) Tourists (foreign) Tourists (national) Business tourism organisations Religious tourism organisations Other cs-CZ53,8%84,6%30,8%15,4%23,1% el-GR78,6%89,3%71,4%57,1%28,6% en-GB48,3%71,7%48,3%25,0%11,7% pl-PL53,5%76,7%32,6%30,2%25,6% sv-SE42,6%41,3%23,9%6,5%17,4% tr-TR76,5% 88,2%52,9%47,1% Responses: „Quite a lot” and „All of them”
Managing a destination vs. Marketing a destination % of replies: Strongly agree + agree Managing a destination well is just as important as marketing it successfully 86,6
Respondent’s highest level of education attainment - overall and all countries LevelOverall % % in UK % in Sweden % in Poland % in Greece % in Turkey % in Czech R. Masters degree or higher 40,2 %2321,388,42547,153,8 Post- graduate diploma 17,2 %16,442,64,710,75,80 University graduate 30,1 %36,125,54,757,147,123,1 Vocational qualification or completed secondary school 10 %19,76,42,37,1023,1 None of the above 1,9 %3,34,30000 Lack of reply0,5 %1,600000
Further considerations Is town centre management in the UK is reaching maturity in terms of age? Why are place branding and place marketing strategies used more often by place managers than by tourism managers? Urban planning and retail development are far more important in Sweden than anywhere else – why?