Mentoring Students from University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus


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Presentation transcript:

Mentoring Students from University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus Dr Nick Thomas Department of History

The Challenge Degree in International Studies at Ningbo since its foundation History is lead department in partnership with Politics Four year degree – one year of language, then three years of academic study

In second year of academic study students can choose to visit UK campus, usually for a Semester They take second year options alongside home students 83 students in 2010-11 ??? In 2012-13

Quickly became clear Ningbo students were struggling Not integrating into seminars Language and cultural barriers Not accessing academic or pastoral support

Each student from Ningbo given a personal tutor: two UNNC Liaison Officers Induction session run specifically for them on arrival Extensive pastoral support system in the department Gateway to wider support systems elsewhere in the University

Yet do they know what a personal tutor is? What are their assumptions about pastoral support? What are they expecting from us and from being here?

Further issues Two campuses on different sides of the world Colleagues who have never met Assumptions by both sides on curriculum, induction, advice, support, etc provided on each campus Desire to work more closely

Mentoring system Introduced 2010-11 Groups of 4 Ningbo students allocated to a mentor All mentors are student volunteers from second and third years There is a vetting system in place

Students can link mentoring to the Nottingham Advantage Award Training sessions provided Desire among many home students to make contact with international students Light touch to supervision of the process

Negatives: Some groups don’t gel or the mentor loses interest Some Ningbo students want friendship to be very intense Social events don’t really work – very different expectations, home students don’t attend

Positives: Ningbo students like having a contact who is a student Some groups work very well indeed – socialise, make regular contact, etc Sense of integrating students into the life of the department More to be done?

Investigations Desire to explore student experiences, find out what we do well, what we can change Carole Mallia’s research on Ningbo Senior Tutor Network funding 2011-12

Findings Culture shock: Britain is not what they expected, feeling of exclusion, Ningbo students group together Academics seen as authority figures: mentoring scheme helps to bridge gap

Concerns before arriving: Food, sex, the weather, accommodation, safety, British drinking culture Will they be at a disadvantage? How will they be perceived?

Language: e-mail is preferred communication as a result Students often visit academics in pairs English is non-inflected English is full of smoke screens/ diplomacy

Chinese universities don’t run personal tutoring or mentoring systems System of appointments in advance is alien – again mentoring system helps here

Chinese students tend to wait to be approached, whether socially, personal tutors or mentors – very rarely ‘break the ice’ themselves Making something voluntary or saying ‘it would be a good idea’ means they usually don’t do it

Instrumentalisation: Does it impact on my marks? If not I won’t do it Impact on mentoring and pastoral care

Possible solutions Dividing Ningbo students between personal tutees Advice guide for staff and mentors Focussed training for mentors and tutors Mentoring scheme for all students, home and international

Conclusions Very much feeling our way through this situation – there is no plan! Desire to avoid essentialisation – deal with individuals International students have particular needs, but good practice for them often benefits others - inclusivity