TO THE MOUNTAINS DOWN TO THE RIVERS Romania has: The Carpathian Mountains Danube River (runs along southern border) Temperature: Temperate Climate ( regularly 52 degrees F) Carpathian Mountains
NATURAL RESOURCES They also have: Iron Timber Coal Copper Fertile Soil IronTimber Copper
HOW IT EFFECTS ROMANIANS They have lots of miners because of all the minerals they have. They also have farmers because of their fertile soil. They also have some lumber industries.
THE PRICE OF THE UNDEAD Romania is a developed country Their GDP per capita is 12,800 Their unemployment rate 4.3% (which is lower than the U.S.) Their industries include: Electric machinery Textiles Mining Food processing A mine in Romania
ECONOMICS CONTINUED Romania has billion dollars worth of exports They also have billion dollars in imports They have a high standard of living Food is expensive though, it is half of the family’s income They used to be big in the oil industry, but now they are relying on Russia for most of their energy.
HOW TO ACT UNDEAD Diet: They normally eat Mititei ( roasted meats, mainly pork), Mamaliga (Mashed Potatoes), and Sarmale (Rice). Religion: Mostly Eastern Orthodox Christians Gestures: Men: when greeting other people they either shake their hand or if a woman kiss their hand (sign of respect) Women: when greeting another woman they kiss both cheeks when greeting a man they shake their hand. Traditional Dance there is “The Sword Dance”
CULTURE CONTINUED Language: Romanian and Hungarian History: Romania worked with Russia in the WW1 Germany conquered Romania in WW2 They got their independence in 1877 They received three provinces (Transylvania, Banat, and Bukovina) They had a Dictator (Niccole) and they overthrow him in 1989 They decided to have a Democracy
WHAT’S NEW! In 2012 protesters stood outside the “capitol building” and asked for the president’s (Traian Basescu) resignation He resigned 1 month later In 2007 they signed a bilateral agreement on labor migration with the U.S. Elections took place December 9 th 2012 They elected Victor Ponto Victor Ponto
FUN FACTS! To my disappointment there are no actual vampires in Romania. But, they do have a mansion there that they say was once “a vampire’s home” but, it’s mainly for tourists. For people who are supposedly vampires they dress very colorful The mansion Romanian attire