United Nations Industrial Development Organization Riccardo Mesiano Programme Officer Skill Development in Unorganized Sector International Workshop on Skill Development
Reducing poverty through employment Increased employability Multi skilling avenues through vocational training High yielding skills acquaintance Self employment opportunities Creating self help groups or formation of clusters Fostered objectives
Identification of needs for skill development Demand analysis & supply matching Fair wage negotiations Changing the mind sets to take up alternate trades & undergo training Training infrastructure & experienced trainers Institutional support Challenges
Cluster approach Institution building Policy support by federal & provincial governments Support through privileged financial schemes: micro credit, deferred credit etc NGO & Private networks Awareness & Trust building Some international experiences Suggestions for consideration
Shantiniketan handicraft cluster Tuli bamboo cluster Examples from the field
Training by Unido consultant Follow up training by FREYA New linkage to the market Self help group and cluster Shantiniketan handicraft cluster
NBDA Self help training groups! Tuli bamboo cluster
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