Novel Quiz 1-The Pentad Think about a significant action in your reading and answer the following: ACT: The event-what was done? Scene: Where and when did it occur? Agent: Who did it? Agency: How was the act committed? Purpose: Why was the act done? What is the reason or purpose for the act?
Cornell Notes Literature Circles Book Groups Cornell Notes Literature Circles
What should my notes look like? Focus on story elements Setting Characters Plot/Conflicts Important passages Symbols Themes Figurative language Imagery Connections Predictions
How do I set up my notes? 5 Part Cornell page Heading Topic = rdg section Question Column Notes Main ideas Abbreviate No paragraph writing! Summary
When are our book days? Every Tuesday and Thursday Tuesday = literature circles Roles rotated weekly Thursday = literature instruction Follow group calendar
What are the Lit Circle jobs? Discussion Director Literary Luminary Connector Word Wizard Illustrator
What is the discussion director? Get your group talking Develop 5 “hot” questions for discussion Costa levels 2 & 3 Big Ideas Not a quiz Focus your responses on your thoughts, feelings, reactions as you read Write out questions and reflections
Discussion Director Examples What do you think this text/passage was about? How might other people (of different backgrounds) think about this text/passage? What one question would you ask the writer if you got the chance? Why? What are the most important ideas/moments in this text/section? What do you think will happen next---and why? What was the most important change in this section? How and why did it happen?
What is the Literary Luminary? Locate 5 special sections/passages of the text. Help group remember interesting, puzzling, powerful, important sections. Decide sections and how they are to be shared Prepare a list with the quote, page, and rationale
Literary Luminary Helpful Hints What is happening in this passage? Why did you choose this passage? What does this passage mean, or what is it discussing? How should you present this passage? Who is speaking or what is happening in this passage? What is the most unique aspect of this passage---and why is it unique? What did this quotation/passage make you think about when you read it? What makes this passage so confusing, important, or interesting?
What is the Connector? Find 5 connections between the book and world outside. Write your 5 with explanations Connect to: Personal life School community History Other media: Books, movies, articles, etc.
Connector Ideas What connections can you make between the text and your life? What other places or people could you compare this story to? What other books or stories might you compare to this one? What other characters or authors might you compare to this one? What current trends or events are related to this section of the book? What is the most interesting or important connection that comes to mind? What is the connection that no one else but you can discover? How does this section relate to those that came before it?
Who is the Word Wizard? 5 new vocab words Copy sentence & page number Write definition Plan a way to teach words to group Map, game, chart, context clues, etc.
Word Wizard Clues What part of speech is this word? Which words are used frequently? Which words are used in unusual ways? What words seem to have special meaning to the characters or author? What new words do you find in this section? What part of speech is this word? What is the connotative meaning of this word? What is the denotative meaning of this word?
Who is the Illustrator? Create a picture and reflection related to the reading One pager Theme of passage 4 Panel Story Board Important scene 3 Panel Cartoon Show significant event/ setting/character/conflict Group shares reactions You share
Illustrator Tips Ask members of your group, “What do you think this picture means?” Why did you choose this scene to illustrate? How does this drawing relate to the story? Why did you choose to draw it the way you did? What do we see---i.e., who and/or what is in this picture? What, if anything, did drawing it help you see that you had not noticed before? What did this quotation/passage make you think about when you read it? What are you trying to accomplish through this drawing?
Reflection Reflection What are your experiences with literature circles? What are your goals? What challenges and/or questions remain?
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