Fighter for human dignity Satyagraha: “Truth force”
Ashram- community marked by honesty, truthfulness, celibacy and poverty Nationwide campaigns Indian independence Strove to practise non- violence and truth at all times
Hartel- a general strike Tremendous support gained. Protest turned into rioting Gandhi condemned this Fasted as penance
379 people dead Over 1200 wounded “I had faith in them- until 1919, but the Amritsar Massacre and other atrocities in the Punjab changed my heart”. Indian independence
Spread the message to the people Soldiers encouraged to desert their posts Lawyers give up their practise By December ,000 people had been imprisoned
Five day fast as penance Actions proved effective as Congress could not be ignored Indian demands had to be recognised
1922: charged with rebellion against the government “... Some of the most loved of India’s patriots have been convicted under it. (Indian law) I consider it a privilege”
Over 80% of Indians were peasants 24 day, 200 mile march Spread civil disobedience to embarrass the government The Salt Tax which Gandhi set out to destroy was not only a symbol of the Government’s right to tax and therefore its right to rule- it was an emotional issue too. Bore hardest on the poor.
2,500 Congress volunteers led to the Dharasana Salt Works Salt works defended by armed policemen Viscously attacked and beaten Methodically beaten down Obeying the rules of non violence they did not defend themselves 2 deaths and 32o injured
Sailed to England “Do you want your own prosperity to be built on the misery of others?” Popular with the British public Ventured to cotton towns of Lancashire Gandhi personal triumph but the conference was a failure
Gandhi called for the British to ‘Quit India’ Imprisoned again for his speech on it “We do not seek our independence out of Britain’s ruin” (Gandhi) “Our quarrel is not with the British people, we fight their imperialism” (Gandhi)
Gandhi called for ‘Quit India’ Muslim League called for ‘Divide and Quit’ Direct Action Day: -4,000 killed -15,000 injured Gandhi wanted to unite the Indian people He preached courage, forgiveness and truth Visited Muslim areas Vowed not to leave until Muslims and Hindus were at peace
14 th – 15 th August 1947 Indian Independence Act invoked India and Pakistan “Partition of the heart” 12.5 million displaced At least half a million killed
Gandhi preached and read from : the Hindu Bhagavad, the Muslim Koran and Jewish-Christian Bible He felt he must do more Fast unless reunion of all communities 3 rd day~ payment by India to Pakistan 6 th day~ satisfied with promises made about the restoration of peace THE DEATH OF GANDHI 3oth January 1948 Gandhi was assassinated Prime Minister Nehru: “The light has gone out of our lives”