UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI`I AT MÄNOA Discover Inspire Innovate HOT TOPICS Registration Automatic Admissions Kaÿieÿie
Automatic Admissions Students will be sent an informing them that they qualify based on criteria set by STAR. Please see your advisor if you believe you qualify, but did not receive the . Students will be directed to login to STAR and click on the “from your advisor” tab to accept this offer. Select the campus you wish to enroll in and provide the requested information. Students will receive a follow up correspondence from the institution they selected regarding the next steps that need to be taken to secure their admission.
Automatic Admissions Important Information About Automatic Admissions Your admissions (although automatic) is conditional Submit non-UH System transcripts (if any) by the stated deadline Be aware of programs’ deadlines and admission procedures Even though you have been offered automatic admission, this does not mean that you have been accepted to the program of your choice Your application will not be forwarded to your major and will not be considered for transfer credits even though a tuition deposit has been submitted if we are missing non-UH System transcripts
Automatic Admissions For more information, go to:
Ka ÿ ie ÿ ie – Degree Pathway Partnership Program Kai‘e‘ie….. May 2007 signed into existence Agreement: Website: Fall 2008 enrolled its first cohort at both campuses Has just admitted its seventh cohort, slated to enter Fall 2011
Ka ÿ ie ÿ ie – Degree Pathway Partnership Program Kai‘e‘ie is….. A dual-admission, dual-enrollment program An open access, collaborative program A communication program; it does not change policy or articulation agreements Designed to help students transfer smoothly Designed to provide access to resources at both campuses Focused on providing advising so students can make the best possible choices for themselves Intended to help students graduate in a total of 4 years
Ka ÿ ie ÿ ie – Degree Pathway Partnership Program Kai‘e‘ie students….. are dual-enrolled (qualify for admission to both campuses) register early, in their transfer semester with UHM’s continuing students must have a declared UHM major so connect early to their department have mandatory advising must have an academic plan through graduation
Ka ÿ ie ÿ ie – Degree Pathway Partnership Program Important Information About Ka‘ie‘ie International students are not allowed to participate in Ka‘ie‘ie Which campus will you be receiving financial aid from Participate in a mandatory online advising session When applying, all non-system transcripts need to be submitted Be aware of programs’ deadlines and admission procedures
Office of Admissions 2600 Campus Road, Room 001 Honolulu, HI Phone: (808) Toll-Free: Contact Information