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What’s happening? 1967 Follow us: Facebook.com/Academic AdvisingCenter Twitter.com/utep_aac Instagram.com/utep_aac Office Hours: 8:00am-5:00pm Tel: Academic Advising ˑ June 26 #utepaac #utep
utep_aac AAC The AAC advises students enrolled in the START Program. Advisors guide START students through completion of START Program requirements Additional assistance provided at the AAC : Academic Advising each semester Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Advising START Extended/Ineligible Advising Signing of Veteran’s Affairs Forms, Consortium Agreement Forms (Dual EPCC/UTEP Enrollment), Course Drop Forms and I-20 Letters
utep_aac START Success Through Academic Readiness Today Designed to help you establish a strong foundation for academic success Opportunity for first-time, first-year students who do not meet standard admission requirements to attend UTEP If your class rank and ACT or SAT scores do not meet requirements, TSI Assessment scores determine if you’re in START or not
utep_aac Complete 9 or more semester credit hours of approved courses Courses must be from 2 academic areas Earn grades of “A”, “B”, “C” or “S” Have an overall grade point average (GPA) of a 2.0 Four Academic Requirements
utep_aac Clearing Clearing = You met program requirements Clearing Clearing = You’re fully admitted to UTEP Clearing Clearing = You can declare your desired major Your Advisor helps you transition to your new major
utep_aac You’re close to meeting all 4 START Program requirements GPA is below 2.0 but between GPA is at 2.0+ but did not complete at least 9 credit hours of approved courses All courses are from one academic area only Allowed to register for the following semester Sign START Extended Contract All 4 requirements must be met by end of second semester
utep_aac Your GPA is below 1.5 at the end of your 1 st semester Ineligible Ineligible = suspended from UTEP for 2 years Cannot register at UTEP again until Spring 2017 Unless Unless you attend another college or university and return with transfer credit You may petition for reinstatement but only under extenuating circumstances
utep_aac Attend New Student Orientation (NSO) UNIV 1301 Enroll into UNIV 1301 during your 1st semester Freshmen seminar Course is part of your degree plan requirements Meet with your assigned academic advisor in September and let us know how you’re doing
utep_aac Seek assistance during 1st semester Workshops Time Management Study Skills Test Anxiety Use Campus Resources Writing Center Math Tutoring Center Library study rooms Meet with Teaching Assistant (TA) or Professor Form Study Groups
utep_aac Academic Advisor Campus Computer Labs Instructor/TA/Peer Leader Course Materials Syllabus (check for extra credit if available) Classmates UTEP Directory ( AAC Reference Guide (in your packet) Blackboard/Moodle
utep_aac 9 semester hrs of approved courses 2 academic areas A, B, C or S grades GPA equal or greater to semester hrs of approved courses 2 academic areas A, B, C or S grades GPA equal or greater to 2.0 Fewer than 9 hrs of approved courses OR One academic area OR Overall GPA 1.5 – 1.99 Can enroll Spring 2016 Fewer than 9 hrs of approved courses OR One academic area OR Overall GPA 1.5 – 1.99 Can enroll Spring 2016 Overall GPA less than 1.5 Suspended from UTEP for 2 years Can return Spring 2017 Overall GPA less than 1.5 Suspended from UTEP for 2 years Can return Spring 2017 Major changes to GENS Eligible to Enroll
utep_aac We will review your TSI Assessment scores Tuesday afternoon Will discuss how you can get out of START before the Fall semester begins Cannot request to change your major this week Stay with your START group all week We will see you again tomorrow afternoon
TSI Math Assessment (TSIM) Score Range: utep_aac Adult Basic Education(ABE) Adult Basic Education(ABE) Developmental Education (DE) Developmental Education (DE) College Level (CL) College Level (CL) START Not START
TSI Reading Assessment (TSIR) Score Range: utep_aac Adult Basic Education(ABE) Adult Basic Education(ABE) Developmental Education (DE) Developmental Education (DE) College Level (CL) College Level (CL) START Not START