Employability and Enterprise Skills Two sides of the same coin? Dr Kelly Smith Head of Enterprise
Task 1 – What are Enterprise Skills? 1.Write down Employability skills - one per post it note - put EMP in the corner of each post-it
Task 1 – What are Enterprise Skills? 2.Put post-it notes on Venn Diagram Employability EnterpriseEntrepreneurship
Task 1 – What are Enterprise Skills? 3.Are there any spaces unfilled? 4.Can you think of skills to fill the spaces? 5.Add skills on post-its marked with ENT 6.What does Employability, Enterprise, and Entrepreneurship mean to you?
What are Enterprise Skills? Being creative and innovative Identifying and researching opportunities Persuading and communicating Assessing needs and skills required for particular tasks Identifying and bidding for resources: people, equipment, funds Promoting yourself and your ideas Making things happen Can relate to business, social enterprise, research, or within employment
Benefits of Enterprise or Entrepreneurship Education Students exposure to entrepreneurship skills whilst at University increases future entrepreneurial intent Provides students with an additional career option Can improve transferable skills and make students more employable Increases knowledge and engagement of academic staff with enterprise-related activity Improves links with business and community groups
The Business Mine Offers business, social enterprise, and self- employment start-up support to students and recent graduates Available up to 5 years after graduation Provides shared office space and mentoring support for up to 1 year Up to 25 Business Miners, 17 on Alternative Placement Year, 100+ attendees at Events Series Bursaries and proof of concept awards Facebook and Twitter
The Business Mine Propermaid Ltd. Award winning company making traditional cakes with a creative twist The Master Menu Ltd. Collection of take-away menus into one publication Concepts and Space Ltd. Interior design inspired by nature and using natural products Neongravy Graphic design
Graduate Entrepreneurship Project Partnership of 11 HEIs in Yorkshire and Humber Supported by Yorkshire Forward Linked to Graduates Yorkshire employability project Each partner offers a suite of extra- curricular enterprise and entrepreneurship support Regional activities Including…
Graduate Entrepreneurship Project Enterprise promotion Enterprise and business skills training Pre-start and new-start support and mentoring Bursaries Proof of concept awards Boot Camp Specialist workshops Business planning competition Best practise events for practitioners
The Problem Entrepreneurial Intentions Survey 07/08 Yorkshire Universities –Likely to start own business Aware of start-up support = 31% Unaware of start-up support = 69% –Unlikely to start own business Aware of start-up support = 19% Unaware of start-up support = 81%
Issues Personal definitions e.g. self-employment, freelance, sole trader, lifestyle business, Where to find help? e.g. Curriculum, own School, Business Schools, Careers, CETLs, Research and Enterprise Units, Incubators…
Task 2 – Where do students or graduates go for help? 1.Whats available in your institution? 2.Imagine you are a student or graduate thinking of starting up your own business - Use flip chart paper to design your ideal service(s)
Contacts Dr Kelly Smith Head of Enterprise University of Huddersfield twitter.com/KellyJS twitter.com/BusinessMine delicious.com/KellyW delicious.com/BusinessMine