Science Advisory Board VADM Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret.) Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere | NOAA Administrator November 8, 2005
2 The Benefits of One NOAA Menu Slide Current Environment Corporate NOAA “One NOAA” Hurricane Success Local/Regional Partners Engage NOAA Happenings Awards Leadership Fisheries Challenges / Opportunities
3 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment NOAA Budget ($ in Billions) Conference Mark
4 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment Energy Policy Act The Energy Bill (signed by President Bush on August 8): Encourages conservation and energy efficiency Diversifies and expands the use of alternative and renewable energy Provides a tax credit of up to $3,400 for owners of Hybrid vehicles Encourages investment in modernization and reliability of the U.S. energy infrastructure Helps reduce the global energy demand
5 The Benefits of One NOAA Current Environment Energy Policy Act Provisions of interest to NOAA include: Hydropower Liquefied Natural Gas Coastal Zone Management Alternative Energy Coastal Impact Assistance Program
6 The Benefits of One NOAA Corporate NOAA The Executive Decision Process NOAA Executive Council (NEC) US, AS, DAS (OA & IA), DUS, OGC, AA’s, NMAO NOAA Executive Panel (NEP) DUS, DAA’s, WMO, PA&E, NMAO, CIO, CFO, CAO, AGO Councils CFO/CAO, CIO, Human Capital, Minority Serving Institutions, Ocean, Safety, Education, International Affairs, Observing Systems, Platform Allocation, Research
7 The Benefits of One NOAA Corporate NOAA
8 The Benefits of One NOAA “One NOAA” Hurricane Success
9 The Benefits of One NOAA “One NOAA” Hurricane Response One NOAA response Forecasts Wetland assessment (satellites) Citation flights – digital imagery NRTs OR&R – oil spill response Environmental assessment cruises August 31, 2005 provided by NOAA Levee break
10 The Benefits of One NOAA Local/Regional Partners Engage IOOS supported in U.S. Ocean Action Plan Funding Opportunities with NOAA Sea Grant (RFA to be posted soon): 2yr Regional Research and Information Plans NOAA Research and/or Outreach Partnerships How does IOOS support ecosystem-based management? What other scientific and technical tools can be brought to bear on issue?
11 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA Happenings Awards NOAA highlights since August 2005: Awards UNEP/WMO Vienna Convention Awards Dr. Susan Solomon and Dr. Dan Albritton of Chemical Sciences Division of NOAA's Earth System Research Laboratory (ESRL) in Boulder, CO Presidential Rank Awards: Dr. James Kimpel of NOAA’s National Severe Storms Laboratory in Norman, OK Dr.Venkatachala Ramaswamy of NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory in Princeton, N.J. Dr. Pieter Tans of NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory-Global Monitoring Division in Boulder, CO Mr. Max Mayfield of the National Hurricane Center in Miami, FL Dr. Stephen Lord of the National Weather Service in Suitland, MD SolomonAlbritton Kimpel Tans Mayfield
12 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA Happenings Leadership NOAA highlights since August 2005: APEC Oceans Related Ministerial Meeting; Bali, Indonesia MTS/Oceans 05 meeting; Washington, DC National Polar Orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Issues with the instrument development Tri-agency Executive Committee (EXCOM) directing an Independent Program Assessment Working to establish a realistic baseline for program development
13 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA Happenings Leadership NOAA highlights since August 2005: International Group on Earth Observations New Secretariat Director – José Achache GEO-II Meeting in December Work Plan Team reporting on activities for 2005 U.S. GEO working on near term opportunities for implementing the U.S. Integrated Earth Observation System (IEOS) Next Generation – Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite – R (GOES-R) Key Decision Point approved by the Secretary of Commerce Awarded program definition and risk reduction study contracts to Lockheed Martin Space Systems, Boeing Satellite Systems, and Northrop Grumman Space and Mission Systems
14 The Benefits of One NOAA NOAA Happenings Fisheries NOAA highlights since August 2005: Fisheries Council Meeting New Members and Commissions Congressional Activities Magnuson-Stevens Act Reauthorization Bill Endangered Species Act
15 The Benefits of One NOAA Challenges / Opportunities Presenting One NOAA internally & externally Web / Public Affairs / Legislative Affairs, etc. NOAA’s “Policy on Partnerships in the Provision of Environmental Information” NOAA Transition of Research to Application Incorporating the Capability to Measure Biological Data in Observing Systems including Data Policy and Management of Data Facilities Recapitalization Satellites Facilities Ships/aircraft