Every day is a Special day The topic of the lesson is:
The plan of our lesson: The plan of our lesson: Обучающие цели: -закрепить лексические единицы по теме во всех видах речевой деятельности; -научиться вести разговор о дате праздника; -закрепить правило образования времени Present Continuous; -Повторить глаголы to make/ to do; -создание кластера по теме;
[ŋ] The tongue-twister: -The song the singer sings is long: ting-a-long-a-long-a long. - Singing Sammy sung songs on sinking sand. - Mumbling, bumbling. Bumbling, mumbling. [n] Sin [sin ] Sing [ siŋ ] Sin [sin ] Sing [ siŋ ] Kin [ kin ] King [ kiŋ ] Kin [ kin ] King [ kiŋ ] Win [ win ] Wing [ wiŋ ] Win [ win ] Wing [ wiŋ ] Fan [ fæn ] Fang [ fæŋ ] Fan [ fæn ] Fang [ fæŋ ] Ban [ bæn ] Bang [ bæŋ ] Ban [ bæn ] Bang [ bæŋ ]
Christmas Day Guy Fawkes Day New Year’s Day Halloween On the 25 th of December Remembrance Day IS St Valentine’s Day St.Patrick‘s Day Easter Sunday On the 5 th of November On the 1 st of January On the 31 st of October On the 11th of November On the 14 th of February On the 17 th of March late March or early April.
Self-preparation: You have won the lottery. The prize is a trip to one of English-speaking countries to visit a festival or a holiday. The rules are following ( the journalist‘s questions): -You should tell us about a country and festival you are going to visit; -Two reasons why you would do it.
-What kind of a feast is it? -When do people celebrate it? -What do people do on that day?
Let‘s do our physical training
Sam Liz Steve Mary Tony Pete Max David Ask and answer questions about the picture. F.ex.: 1. -Is Sam playing music? -No, he isn‘t. He is eating the cake. 2. Liz and Tony/take the presents? 3. David, Max and Steve/play hide-and-sick? 4. Mary/ play tag? 5. Pete/ dance?
To make To do 1.The decorations 2. The dusting 3.Your homework 4. A phone call 5.tea 6. A special dish 7.The shopping 7.A cake 8.The washing-up 9.The gardening
What are the people in the picture doing? F.ex.: The girl in picture 1 is making tea
Halloween Food Costumes People Pumpkin pie toffee apples Pete Tess Witch costume Frankenstein costume Games Musical chairs Pin the tail on the donkey
Holidays Merry, happy Dancing and smiling people I spend time with friends Happiness. Holidays Funny, relaxing Singing, eating, sleeping People walk in the street Presents.
Self-preparation: You should write an invitation card for a special day.