58% Members 10+ Yrs 23% Members <3Yrs 6.5% (9 respondents) <1Yr
76.64% Respondents Male 23.36% Respondents Female (Note: Reflective of 80%/20% demography of Club)
54% Ages of 41-65
Networking – 27.74% Someone Asked – 24.82% Local Service – 23.36%
I think you should be able to check more than one category because for me there were several reasons, all of which were the same degree of importance. I wanted to provide service and at my first meeting the club meeting began with the singing of the national anthem, followed by a prayer. That told me you believed in something. I was sold at that moment. All the above
24% Did Consider Membership In Another Club
It's THE rotary club The club's reputation and size of the club Biggest, most influential The size and prestige of the club. Its history and resources I wanted to support the Columbus City Schools I wanted to belong to the premier club in Central Ohio It’s the size of the club and the fact that I can meet new people rather than have lunch with those I already know the impact of service that could be made by this large a club Size and potential impact of club Calloway Robertson Millie told me that was the place to be
Q10: How much do you value your membership in Columbus Rotary as compared to % Rate CR Greater Value Than Other Trade or Biz Assoc. They Belong To 60.2% Rate CR Greater Value Than Other Service Clubs They Belong To
79% Agree Being Part of an International Organization is Important 76% Agree Being Part of a Large Rotary Club with an Executive Director is Important
89% Feel Monday Meetings Are Energizing & Enjoyable Dead Split 36.64% Each Between Those Who Agree and Disagree That YPs have “No Interest” in Joining Institutional Organizations But Overwhelming (82%) Believe YPs would join Rotary if They Saw Value. 76% Say if CR Wants to Attract YPs – we have to make some changes.
91% Say Membership is Rewarding & Fulfilling 80% Say Club Offers Excellent Opps for Networking 92% Say Membership in CR is, and Should Be, Considered an Honor
79% Agree With Statement: The Number & Diversity Of Service Projects is What Sets CR Apart. It is a Benefit of the Club 32% Agree With Statement: CR Tries to Do Too Many Projects.
Practically Equal Split for Types of Projects Respondents Are Interested In
60% of Respondents Have Sponsored a Member
72% of Those Saying Yes – Say it Has Been Longer Than 3 Years Since They Sponsored Someone
Networking – 27.74% Someone Asked – 24.82% Local Service – 23.36%
PRIMARY REASONS PEOPLE JOIN ROTARY… Why did you initially join Rotary? To positively impact my community Friendship and fellowship Professional networking/ business development opportunities To have a positive impact globally Potential for personal/ professional recognition Development and training opportunities 10% 0% 30% 20%
…ARE THE SAME REASONS THEY STAY ROTARIANS Why do you stay with Rotary? To positively impact my community Friendship and fellowship Professional networking/ business development opportunities To have a positive impact globally Potential for personal/ professional recognition Development and training opportunities 10% 0% 30% 20%
Community & Connection
12.21% Say it Would Be Easier to Do in Teams
i am retired not working full-time now None - don't have extensive contact with potential young professionals Our average age as a club turns younger people off No inhibitions, fewer contacts as a retiree mostly it is getting to know younger people Semi-retired retired and not in Columbus that much anymore Out of loop with young persons that would be a good fit Don't know very many young prospects
My commitment to follow through with a good-fit prospect and effectively persuade him/her to join Time and effort I have invited numerous guests to a Monday meeting but cannot seem to "close the deal” It takes time and follow-up during several weeks. I just need to become more proactive in recruiting I have tried numerous times to bring in a new member, but I always get the "I'm too busy," or "i don't see what I will gain from that," or "I am too broke" answers. Others think it's just a bunch of old guys.
Membership Fee is Too High Cost for Young Professionals… it is a jump from $25/yr to over $700 by time you add up all the costs Cost in dues, other membership & time constraints Cost in $ and Time Value from membership is lower than cost to be a member. Justification of membership and continual asks for donations
Not a priority right now My Bad Time and effort I just need to become more proactive in recruiting Laziness i can't think of anything but inertia Just don't think of it. Tried some, but not a priority.
Conclusions – The Good News Our Members are Engaged and CARE about the Club – 52+% RESPONSE RATE They see being part of a LARGE CLUB WITH AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR as Important They see being part of an INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION as Important They VALUE their MEMBERSHIP more than other organizations in which they belong They feel MONDAY MEETINGS are ENERGIZING & ENJOYABLE They like the NUMBER & DIVERSITY of SERVICE PROJECTS and see this as a benefit to being part of CR
Conclusions – The Concerns It’s been LONGER THAN 3 YEARS since the majority have SPONSORED A NEW MEMBER They think we’re only interested in Young Professionals They are overwhelmed by the PROCESS (Time, Effort & Follow-Through) of Bringing in New Members They can’t OVERCOME OBJECTIONS or CLOSE THE DEAL They don’t view it as a PRIORITY They are focused on COST vs. VALUE