MARINE ECOSYSTEMS Sub-Arctic & Arctic Sue E. Moore, NOAA/AFSC SEARCH SSC MEETING 28 October 2008
Sub-Arctic Marine Ecosystems BEST/BSIERP: Understanding the Bering Sea (shelf) Ecosystem $52M study; BEST/NSF: PO – euphausiids (OCH Ho.) BSIERP/NPRB: euphausiids/fish – mm/LTK Scope & Study Area – refer to booklet: note LTK, modeling & data mgt. are high profile BEST/BSIERP: component of ESSAS
Sea Ice: sub-Arctic & Arctic ‘channeling’ Jim Overland….. Sea ice signal ‘decoupling’ between sub- arctic and Arctic systems 2007 extreme sea ice retreat followed by 2008 extreme extent in Bering Sea What is the response of each system? Will the ‘ice seal’ ESA listing decision follow 2008 polar bear decision?
Arctic Marine Mammals and Climate Change Special Volume of Ecological Applications, March 2008 Broad undertaking, including papers by: Walsh – Arctic CC overview Bluhm & Gradinger – Ecosystem Change conceptual models Murray – Archeological overview *Ragen et al. – Human/management overview
RELATIONSHIP TO SEA ICE Moore and Huntington: Ecological Applications
Available Data & Partnerships e.g., DOI/ MMS Surveys: 27 YEAR DATABASE NOTE: relevance of NSF: SBI & SNACS data
BELUGA TRACKS NOAA/ABWC: Collaboration with Subsistence Hunters
Arctic Observatories: AUTONOMOUS RECORDERS *Note: NOAA S&T funding for 3-phone IPY deployment
Detect Gray Whale Calls in Beaufort Sea throughout winter `04 [until May: Stafford et al. Arctic]