What are Mammals? Read each slide. Look at each picture. Answer each question.
Mammals are animals with fur. A bear is a mammal.
Leopards are mammals.
Kangaroos are mammals.
Dolphins are mammals.
Elephants are mammals.
Manatee are mammals.
Even this tiny mouse is a mammal.
The largest mammal on Earth is the blue whale.
The smallest mammal on Earth is the tiny shrew.
All of these animals share the same characteristic or trait. Each animal has FUR.
People are mammals, too. But we call our fur, HAIR!
All mammals, no matter how big or small, have fur or hair.
All mammals have vertebrae. Your spine is your vertebrae.
Your spine allows you to move and bend.
All mammals, no matter how big or small, have vertebrae.
All mammals feed their babies MILK.
This dog is feeding her puppies milk.
This cat is feeding her kittens milk.
Cats and dogs are both mammals. They both have fur and they both feed their babies milk.
Mammals are warm-blooded. That means they can shiver to get warm or…
sweat to get cool. Mammals control their body temperature.
Scientists think the first mammal lived 120 million years ago. This tiny creature is called megazostrodon.
QUIZ 1.What do all mammals have in common? _______________________________ 2.Mammals feed their babies _________. 3.What does it mean to be warm-blooded? _______________________________ 4.Name four mammals.______________ ___________, __________, ________