OTIS ANNUAL RESEARCH MEETING JUNE 2010 Vaccines and Medications in Pregnancy Surveillance System (VAMPSS)
Background VAMPSS is sponsored & coordinated by the American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology and includes two data collection arms and a standing advisory committee Prospective registry surveillance: OTIS Case-Control Surveillance: Slone Epidemiology Center at Boston University Independent advisory committee (biostatistician, reproductive epidemiologist, consumer representative, CDC, NICHD, NHLBI, NIAID, and AAP)
Purpose The purpose of VAMPSS is to comprehensively monitor the use and safety of flu vaccines and antiviral medications used to treat or prevent the flu during pregnancy.
VAMPSS Cohort Study Totals GroupTotal EnrolledRecruitment Goal Seasonal Flu Vaccine H1N1 Vaccine Antivirals34200 Controls40300 Total Cohort
Total Enrollment to Date Total as of June 23, 2010 Enrolled411 Outcome236 Live birth229
Recruitment SourceNo. Enrolled TIS258 Health-care Professional82 Self / Other48 Internet23
Who Should be Referred? Essentially all pregnant women. Specifically: Pregnant women who received a flu vaccine during pregnancy. Pregnant women who were exposed to an anti-viral medication to treat or prevent the flu during pregnancy. Non-exposed controls (pregnant women who have not received any flu vaccines during pregnancy or taken any antivirals while pregnant).
Upcoming Projects Flu Season!!