Senior Parent Night Senior Year Planning Meredith Barrow
Agenda College Information and Visit Ideas AP Test Score Acceptances Naviance College Application Process Common Application Non-Common Applications College Selection Senior Meetings Official Forms & Submission Paying for College FSA ID and the FAFSA Question & Answers
College Visits College Fairs NACAC National College Fair at the Denver Mart Expo Building: Saturday, October 8, 2015 from 1:00-4:00 pm. Out-of-State College Fair at Lakewood High School: October 10, 2015 from 6:00-8:00 pm. In-State College Fair at South: October 16, 2015 from 9:00-10:00 am Anticipated Fall Senior Trips CSU UNC Road Trips! Long Weekends- we can excuse you! Take an official tour – register online for a campus visit!
College Visits Why Visit Colorado Schools? You can get a good idea of what similar types of Out-of-State schools are like! Similar Schools UNC Western Washington Southern Oregon Humboldt State CU Boulder UMass Amherst Indiana University University of Wyoming Colorado College Trinity Wesleyan Lewis and Clark Puget Sound DU Boston College Lafayette Vassar CSU Arizona State Ohio State Kansas State
AP Test Score Acceptance University of Denver Score of 3 Gives 4 credit hours for Spanish Language Gives Advanced Standing for English Language Score of 4 Gives a minimum of 4 credit hours and up to 10 credit hours for all AP Courses South offers Score of 5 Gives a minimum of 4 credit hours and up to 12 credit hours for all AP Courses South offers CU Boulder Score of 3 Gives 3 credit hours for Spanish Language and AP Human Geography Score of 4 Gives a minimum of 3 credit hours and up to 11 credit hours for all AP Courses South offers Score of 5 Gives a minimum of 3 credit hours and up to 11 credit hours for all AP Courses South offers
Naviance Naviance (under “Current Students”)
Naviance- Scroll down page…
How do I sign up for College Presentations?
College Presentations
Common App Home Screen
Common App and FERPA
Common App Fee Waiver
ED applicants Apply early (usually in November) to first-choice college. Receive an admission decision from the college well in advance of the usual notification date (usually by December). Agree to attend the college if accepted and offered a financial aid package that is considered adequate by the family. Apply to only one college early decision. Apply to other colleges under regular admission plans. Withdraw all other applications if accepted by ED. Send a nonrefundable deposit well in advance of May 1. EA applicants Apply early. Receive an admission decision early in the admission cycle (usually in January or February). Consider acceptance offer; do not have to commit upon receipt. Apply to other colleges under regular admission plans. Give the college a decision no later than the May 1 national response date. Early Decision vs. Early Action
Schedule these with Meredith as soon as possible!! Review college list. Talk about teacher recommendations. Talk about counselor written evaluation. Timelines. Program Interests. Make them during off periods, student assist periods and/or lunch or after school. Senior Meetings!!
Official High School Transcript Form is located in the Future Center. Turn into Ms. Grace, the Counseling Secretary. Timeframe- No fewer than two weeks prior to deadlines. Secondary School Report and Counselor Written Evaluation Required for ALL Common Applications Teacher Recommendations Online Submission- Through Naviance Complete the form in the Future Center. Why do I have to do both? Official Forms from Future Center/Counseling Office
Schedule an appointment with Ms. Meredith once you are ready to submit or have submitted your application. Remember, YOU will submit your application through Common App. During off periods, lunch or student assist times. Application checklist submission BE MINDFUL OF DEADLINES! Submit a couple days in advance. Watch out for deadlines over Winter Break! Senior College Application Submission Procedure
How do I pay for college? Scholarships Daniels Fund 17 or higher on all subjects of the ACT Financial Need Requirement Supplemental Full Ride Boettcher Scholarship 27 or higher*** Merit ONLY Need is not a factor Gates Millennium Scholarship 3.3 GPA African American, American Indian-Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander, Hispanic American US Citizen or Permanent Resident Denver Scholarship Foundation 2.75 GPA Financial Need (up to 1.5x Pell) DPS Enrollment Financial Aid FAFSA is NOT available until January 1 of your student’s Senior year of high school. A universal application that colleges use to package your financial aid and determine the level of need. Eligibility for grants, work study and federal loan programs (not need based). Subsidized, Unsubsidized Student Loans and Parent Plus Loans. Subsidized Loans- Government pays the interest while you are enrolled. Not required to pay while you are in school. Unsubsidized Loans- Interest begins accruing as soon as the loan is taken out. Not required to pay while you are in school but is encouraged.
Scholarship Search Engines Naviance Click “For Students” Scroll down and click “High School” Scroll down and click “Apply for Scholarships” Scholarship Directory
FSA ID Replaced the FAFSA PIN (Personal Identification Number) Requires BOTH the student and parent have accounts with different information. Only works for students and parents who have Social Security Numbers or DACA Social Security Numbers. Undocumented students and parents will use a separate log in and need to come see me ASAP.
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February 10 from 4:00-7:30 pm February 24 from 4:00-7:30 pm Students will be able to sign up in advance to avoid lines and get in and get out! March 1 st is the priority deadline for MOST colleges and universities. FAFSA Workshops
Question & Answer Time
Contact Information Jodie Skodol Class of 2019 Counselor Counseling Office room 113 Jake Jacoby Class of 2016 Counselor Future Center room Counseling Office room 113 Meredith Barrow College Advisor