Time Management That Works! Academic Success Seminar/Workshop College of Veterinary Medicine University of Minnesota Deb Wingert, Ph.D. Director of Educational Development
Before we begin.... List four ways you waste your time....
Time Management Quiz Do you estimate how many hours you will need to study each week? Do you meet assignment deadlines? Do you begin working on semester-long projects early in the semester? Do you write a daily ‘to do’ list? Do you prevent social activities from interfering with your study time?
Time Management Quiz (c’d): Do you have a job that requires fewer than 10 hours a week? Do you set specific goals for each study period? Do you begin your study time with your most difficult assignment? Do you complete most of your studying during your most productive hours each day? Do you think of being a full-time student as you would a full-time job? Virginia Tech (Cook Counseling Center), 2008
How much is your time worth an hour? Manage your time like __________________________ Randy Pausch, 2008
Bad time management = Stress Randy Pausch, 2008
Being successful doesn’t make you manage your time well; Managing your time makes you successful. Randy Pausch, 2008
Time Management Tip #1: Create a Semester Schedule Jot down Assignment due dates, exams, quizzes, projects, papers Meetings __________________________________________ Virginia Tech (Cook Counseling Center), 2008
Time Management Tip #2: Create a Weekly Schedule Jot down the ________________________________ Assignments, exams/quizzes study, projects, papers Meetings Social activities Tweak _____________________________________ Assignments, exams/quizzes study, projects, papers Meetings Social activities Virginia Tech (Cook Counseling Center), 2008
Time Management Tip #3: Work Backwards! Predict time needed for Assignments, exams/quizzes study, projects, papers Draw arrows back through the days to work on/prepare Assignments, exams/quizzes study, projects, papers nlightcom (2008)
Activity: Block Your Time Write down one day of your life in hours Eating, sleeping, in class, traveling to/from class, meetings, social stuff, anything fun,exercise, chores/errands, spiritual life A.M. and P.M etc. Did you know? The average person watches _____ hours of TV a week The average person wastes ______ hours each day
Strategies to Manage Time Successfully Study at YOUR __________________________ Study the boring or most difficult FIRST Do the ugliest thing first (Randy Pausch, 2008) Study in the same place Try to reduce at least one ________________________ Use _________________________________________ School is a full-time job! Virginia Tech (Cook Counseling Center), 2008
Strategies to Manage Time Successfully Study ____________________________________________________ Start assignments right away (_________________________________) Schedule reviews Prioritize Break task into chunks Time journal (or just count TV hours)....check again in 30 days (Pausch, 2008) Virginia Tech (Cook Counseling Center), 2008
Strategies to Manage Your Time: The Quiet hour You accomplish in one quiet hour what would normally take _____. Roy Alexander, pg. 30, 1992
Strategies to Manage Your Time: Reading Essentials ___________ for essentials. Roy Alexander, pg. 100, 1992
Strategies to Manage Your Time: Perfectionism “Is it adequate?” (not perfect) is your question on _______% of your work. Roy Alexander, pg. 100, 1992
Strategies to Manage Your Time: Plan! Failing to plan is planning to fail. You can always change your plan, but only ___________________! Randy Pausch, 2008
Strategies to Manage Time Successfully TO DO Quadrant Due Soon Not Due Soon Important Not Important
What does the research say about interruptions? Interruptions may take only a few seconds, but recovery takes ___________________.
A valuable way to spend time between classes:
Study Formula Study _______ hours weekly for an easy class Study _______ hours weekly for an average class Study _______ hours weekly for a difficult class George Mason University, 2008
Before you go Write down one thing you can do to improve your time management: Randy Pausch’s Time Management Lecture:
Questions? Thank you!! Deborah A. Wingert, Ph.D. Director of Educational Development College of Veterinary Medicine (108 Pomeroy) Preparing Future Faculty Program Coordinator Early Career Program Facilitator Center for Teaching and Learning University of Minnesota 315 Science Classroom Building 222 Pleasant St. S.E. Minneapolis, MN Phone: (612/ at Pomeroy) or (612/ at CTL)