What are Study Skills? Study skills are approaches applied to learning. They are considered essential for acquiring good grades, and useful for learning throughout one's life towards successful education There are an array of study skills, which may tackle the process of organizing and taking in new information, retaining information, or dealing with assessments. They include reminders, which aid the retention of lists of information, effective reading, and concentration techniques, as well as efficient note taking. 2
COURSE DETAILS Mandatory 1 Credit Course Designed to ensure students are provided with a toolset to support successful effective time management, study and active learning during the degree program. It is also designed to support the development of core life skills within the degree program. A continuous 1 semester course monitored by assigned tutors 3
WORKSHOP AGENDA 4 Five day Workshop training covering the following skills: Active Listening and Note Taking Skills Critical Thinking Skills Effective Academic Writing Applying Effective Research Skills Working Effectively as a Group Reflective Thinking Techniques Time and Management Stress Responding Effectively to Assessments
Candidates responsibilities during the Workshops Attend on time and complete all workshop trainings. Participate actively. Complete all the activities presented. Complete E-portfolio for each training at the end of the day. 5
KNOWLEDGE OUTCOMES Describe the key characteristics of effective academic writing; Define the key features of an effective time management by students; Describe the different types and methods of assessment used in the Rabdan Academy and how to respond to each method effectively; Describe the features of a successful study group; Understand how groups and teams are formed, developed and sustained; 6
Describe the tools and techniques students can use to think reflectively, originally and critically; Explain how to take listen effectively and take concise, clear and memorable notes during study or formal teaching sessions; and Identify and then apply appropriate research and study techniques to complete assignments. 7
SKILL OUTCOMES Actively plan, prioritise and manage their academic workload to deliver assignments to agreed timescales; Use appropriate and effective academic writing techniques to successfully complete summative assignments; Apply standard referencing techniques to cite all sources accurately; Create a bibliography of books, articles and resources for a topic; Efficiently utilise library and research tools to identify relevant information to support study work; 8
Apply critical and reflective thinking /reasoning techniques when reviewing information and sources; Successful identify what is required to successfully complete a range of different types of assessments used in the Academy; Participate actively in group and class sessions by applying effective listening, questioning and discussion techniques; Participate actively as a team member and or leader in an effective study groups; and Apply effective note taking and mind mapping techniques during learning events. 9
Assessment Strategy of the Course MethodMarks Required marks for grade C % of course grade e-assessment % e-portfolio % Tutor Continuous Assessment % 10
Assessment during the Workshop E-portfolio Performance on activities Participation Post assessment Achievement of the learning outcomes The workshop assessment is going to be evaluated out of 100 points which will contribute to the overall course assessment. 11
Responsibilities of the candidates after the Workshop Maintaining the e-portfolio and providing evidence through out the whole 1 semester to tutors through the e- portfolio that you are: Completing your assignments on time Achieving required GPA Use appropriate referencing Actively involved in group studying Evidence of effective literature searches Positive feedback from tutors on assessments 12
Evaluation Method of the Course Questionnaire completed by students at the start of and after completion of the course; Qualitative and quantitative analysis of evidence from e- portfolios; Analysis of surveys of tutors on their students’ performance (i.e. continuous assessment data); Interviews with selected individual students; End of semester de brief; Analysis of chat room feedback; and Analysis of student achievement on courses during a year. 13