January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders 1 Global Land Use and Food in a Finite world Workshop Transatlantic Academy, Washington, DC
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders 2 Foodsecurity Competing claims on land Resource efficiency Smart policies
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 3
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 4 Number of hungry people (FAO)
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 5 More factors are key
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 6 Complex linkages
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 7 7
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 8 Competing claims in 1970 and 2010
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 9 Potential of cropland expansion
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 10 Biodiversity in 1970 and 2010
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 11 Global agricultural area will level off Huge uncertainties –climate –diet –yield
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 12 Regional differences, change in crop area
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 13 Pressures on biodiversity up to 2050
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 14 The case of bioenergy Important role in mitigation –However indirect emissions (fertilizer, transport, production) Compete with other land use –Food prices –Biodiversity loss 1.Second generation bioenergy 2.Sustainability criteria 3.High yield versus extensive production 4.Cascading
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 15 Competing goals Agriculture drives land use change Land use change drives biodiversity loss
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 16 Effects and points of intervention
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 17 Effficiency forms a key factor in preserving biodiversity, while providing sufficient food for all In order to provide sufficient food for all, more agricultural production is needed and to meet the biodiversity goal, no further expansion of agricultural area allowed. Four major issues –reduction of consumption –global management of land –growth of agricultural yields –the right price of food
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 18
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World November 2011 EU Resource Efficiency Perspectives in a Global Context 19
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 20
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World November 2011 EU Resource Efficiency Perspectives in a Global Context 21 Loss of MSA reduced by enhanced RE; but not stopped # ; # Additonal losses (until 2050!) in some regions due to bio-energy for climate mitigation
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 22 Smart policies - general No easy solutions –Age old problem of the commons –Major barriers Not one size fits all –e.g. high yield versus extensive Beware of trade-offs and look for synergy –e.g. bioenergy Resource efficiency can bring you a long way but more is needed –Yield (water, fertilizer, management, seeds) Reduce and reuse waste Lifestyle changes have a huge potential
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 23 Major barriers to attain goals Food security Lack of safety nets and redistributive policies Economic growth performances in main food insecure regions Appropriate entitlements of domestic farmers to access land and water Agricultural production Perverse subsidies Lack of knowledge Terrestrial biodiversity Indirect drivers difficult to influence Limited knowledge Limited awareness Ineffective management of protected areas
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 24 Smart policies - general No easy solutions –Age old problem of the commons –Major barriers Not one size fits all –e.g. high yield versus extensive Beware of trade-offs and look for synergy –e.g. bioenergy Resource efficiency can bring you a long way but more is needed –Yield (water, fertilizer, management, seeds) Reduce and reuse waste Lifestyle changes have a huge potential
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 25 Policy measures proper prices – proper governments Correct market failures –property rights, waterpricing, valuing biodiversity Correct government failures –perverse subsidies, trade barriers Improve access to knowledge and markets –e.g. infrastructure Use dynamic society
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 26 Market access in agricultural areas
January 12th 2012 | Ton Manders Global Land use and Food in a Finite World 27 Policy measures proper prices – proper governments Correct market failures –property rights, waterpricing, valuing biodiversity Correct government failures –perverse subsidies, trade barriers Improve access to knowledge and markets –e.g. infrastructure Use dynamic society