ICOLC 2005 Spring, Boston Plenary 3: Evolving e-journal issues April 13, 2005
Evolving “e-journal” issues: –NIH front ( centralized archiving, tax payer argument, NIH’s interests historically, and transformation of SPARC, what next?) –UK front ( Government’s response, JISC funding, etc) –Berlin front ( Policy registration, usual list flames, Berlin4 just after Poznan) –The REST of the world( Asia/Pacific, Africa, So America, scholarly societies, national journals, etc) –Publishers’ OA “experiment” ( Springer, Blackwell, OUP, etc)
Evolving “e-journal” issues(cont’d) –Preservation ( LOCKSS, KB, ACS, major publishers, “moving wall,” one-time payment, etc) –Management, cataloging etc, which has been supposedly covered –Search engines, navigation tools, portal, metadata, etc, which also have been being discussed, maybe –Statistics ( COUNTER, raw log data) –Self-archiving –Institutional repositories ( Why? Who? How?, UK way/US ways/other ways)
Evolving “e-journal” issues(cont’d, again) –Author’s rights to scholarly achievement( as oppesed to tax payers?) –Library and faculty/researchers –University/academic libraries and public/hospital libraries(Canada, UK/NHS, etc) –Overall cost saving ( ILL, buildings, facilities, etc) –User instruction –Yet another, and yet yet another pricing models –Future of library consortia What else?