Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 SPLINT: SPatial Literacy IN Teaching CETL objectives and overview Nick Tate 1, Claire Jarvis 1, Gary Priestnall 2 and Paul Longley 3 1. Department of Geography, University of Leicester 2. School of Geography, University of Nottingham 3. Department of Geography, University College London
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 1. What is a CETL & SPLINT? 2. What is Spatial Literacy? 3. Objectives & deliverables 4. Important themes within SPLINT 5. SPLINT & teaching GIS for Planning Outline
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 What is a CETL? C entre for E xcellence in T eaching & L earning C entre for E xcellence in T eaching & L earning £315m HEFCE investment £315m HEFCE investment CETLs funded across England74 CETLs funded across England (Source: HEFCE, 2005)
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 CETLs Recognise & reward teaching excellenceRecognise & reward teaching excellence Encompass the full range of subjects, styles of learning & institutional typesEncompass the full range of subjects, styles of learning & institutional types Have a visible institutional presenceHave a visible institutional presence Supported by the Higher Education Academy, create levers for change, within institutions & across UK (HEFCE, 2005)Supported by the Higher Education Academy, create levers for change, within institutions & across UK (HEFCE, 2005)
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 A £4.15 million collaborative CETL:A £4.15 million collaborative CETL: –University of Leicester (lead), University of Nottingham & University College London –geography & geomatics Primary focus on:Primary focus on: –geospatial technologies (primarily GIS) –pedagogy of taught postgraduates –enhancement of spatial literacy in HE What is SPLINT?
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Distance, orientation, navigationDistance, orientation, navigation Spatial networksSpatial networks Understanding spatial interrelationshipsUnderstanding spatial interrelationships Changes in dimension (2D – 3D)Changes in dimension (2D – 3D) Frames of referenceFrames of reference Map-readingMap-reading Landmark recognitionLandmark recognition What is Spatial Literacy?
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Formal ability to think spatially & adopt an explicitly spatial metaphor for problems & relationshipsFormal ability to think spatially & adopt an explicitly spatial metaphor for problems & relationships Learning to Think Spatially, US National Academy of Sciences National Research Council report 2006Learning to Think Spatially, US National Academy of Sciences National Research Council report 2006 What is Spatial Literacy?
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 3/3/06
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Pioneer innovative approaches to progress the pedagogy of spatial literacyPioneer innovative approaches to progress the pedagogy of spatial literacy Objective 1 Focus on improvement of learning outcomes of M.Sc. students in existing geography/geomatics GIS programmes Focus on improvement of learning outcomes of M.Sc. students in existing geography/geomatics GIS programmes…
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Establish benchmarks & evaluate diversities in spatial literacy by disciplinary originEstablish benchmarks & evaluate diversities in spatial literacy by disciplinary origin Utilisation of social, reflective, experiential learning theories (Conole et al., 2004) in teaching GISUtilisation of social, reflective, experiential learning theories (Conole et al., 2004) in teaching GIS Curriculum development/skills trainingCurriculum development/skills training Deliverables
Courtesy Jongwon Lee, Association of American Geographers
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Encourage spatial thinking across a wider disciplinary frameworkEncourage spatial thinking across a wider disciplinary framework Objective 2 Focus on improvement of learning outcomes of students new to spatial literacy/spatial thinking & outside current geography/geomatics programmes… Focus on improvement of learning outcomes of students new to spatial literacy/spatial thinking & outside current geography/geomatics programmes…
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Targeted workshops/specialist meetings learning both with & about GIS (Sui, 1995)Targeted workshops/specialist meetings learning both with & about GIS (Sui, 1995) Collaborative programme development with other academic disciplines direct & via HEACollaborative programme development with other academic disciplines direct & via HEA Interdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary development of L & T materialsInterdisciplinary/cross-disciplinary development of L & T materials Deliverables
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Establish state-of-the-art ICT tools & strategies for their useEstablish state-of-the-art ICT tools & strategies for their use Objective 3 Focus on the use of computers & virtual reality/augmented reality to support objectives (1) & (2) in the lab & in the field… Focus on the use of computers & virtual reality/augmented reality to support objectives (1) & (2) in the lab & in the field…
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 State-of-the-art computer laboratories across the consortium universitiesState-of-the-art computer laboratories across the consortium universities VR/AR tools & exemplar classroom & field case studies in support of blended & e-learningVR/AR tools & exemplar classroom & field case studies in support of blended & e-learning Deliverables
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Visualization in Virtual Reality labs…
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Technical skills Awareness & use of data, tools, & techniques Development of tools Testbed (application of tools and refinement) Problem Solving Formal ability to think spatially Recognising spatial aspect of problems Ability & willingness to tackle problems in spatial terms Spatial knowledge through repetitive exploration Representation through geographic visualisation Translation between 2D and 3D Understand, simulate and represent complex 4D Spatial Awareness Relating maps & 3D models to real world Frames of reference Spatial networks (awareness & effective use) Orientation, distance, direction, spatial context Route and Survey knowledge Landmark recognition Navigation skills (wayfinding…orienteering?) What aspects of Spatial Literacy are we talking about? - Portrayal issues - Orientation - Navigation - Evaluation Using PDAs…
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Employer links and entrepreneurship Developing the pedagogy of the postgraduate Academic diversity Cultural diversity E-tivities Pioneering technologies for learning and teaching Virtual/augmented reality GIS Remote Sensing and Geomatics Fieldwork Geography SPATIAL LITERACY Vocational training Important themes within SPLINT
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Links with CEBE (and other HEA subject centres)Links with CEBE (and other HEA subject centres) Opportunities for wider involvement from academics outside consortium:Opportunities for wider involvement from academics outside consortium: –SPLINT Fellowships (three-month terms) –Collaborative materials/curriculum development –Workshop/road-show participation SPLINT & teaching GIS for Planning
Workshop on Teaching GIS for Planning Students and Practitioners – Cardiff 24/4/07 Contacts:Contacts: Dr Nick TateMrs Janet Carter Want to know more?