IAD Mission To provide University level support for teaching, learning and researcher development; through leadership, innovation, collaboration and direct provision that benefits students, staff and the University’s international reputation.
Our Remit Provide support for staff and students in teaching, learning and researcher development Support programme and curriculum development and enhancement
People IAD staff ~ 30 Interns, secondees, partners, visiting scholars & students ~15 IAD Associates ~20 Over 33,000 students, more than 6,000 academics and more than 6,000 other staff Visitors, contacts and collaborators from across all parts of the globe
Expanding our reach…. IAD networks: ODL, PGT, L&T, T&D and more… Take up of workshops and courses… Online resources and materials……
Responding to different needs… Individual, disciplinary and academic level Support that is broad and deep: 24/7 online resources, guides, information Core provision: workshops, courses, events, 1:1 advice, networks, funding schemes Tailored support: consultancy, collaborative provision and development Catalyst, enabler, space, time, stimulation for innovation: PTAS, secondments, flexible support and provision, Communities of Practice, networks etc
Provide clearer routes to support & information IAD website
Undergraduateswww.ed.ac.uk/iad/undergraduates Postgraduateswww.ed.ac.uk/iad/postgraduates Doctoral Researchers Research Staff Learning & Teachingwww.ed.ac.uk/iad/learning-teaching Events, resources and support for:
Reports for Schools New for autumn 2015
Undergraduate Study Development
LearnBetter on Learn study development resources Feel free to use these with your students and adapt them however you wish.
Workshops by study development advisors “Good experience, time well spent.” “Great mixture of lecture and group work helped us think about what we do and how to improve.” “Nice that it wasn’t just a lecture but actual practical work to do.” “I have really enjoyed this study skill class. It is good to know that other students have the same concerns as me.”
Can we work with you? Contextualise study skills for your students… Find out more: adapt material from our workshops develop new exercises & activities customise our resources
RESIT BOOTCAMP Students with resits? Enlist on the Resit Bootcamp Self Access study skills materials available 24/7 on Learn Self-enrol: Three steps to making changes
For Taught Masters
PGT Connecting with Students Blog: Contact: Twitter Blog Newsletter
PGT Online Learning Resources
Making the Most of Masters Four new partners: Universities of Abertay, Dundee, West of Scotland and Highlands and Islands Enterprise Supporting Postgraduate Transitions PGT Programme: Supporting Students’ Masters year with Workshops and Resources Online Resources for PGT Students 2014/15 pilot of online “live” workshops for on-campus and online students become part of PGT 2015/16 programme PGT Programme 2014/15 Student Engagement Workshop attendance up by ~ 50%. PGT website visits/usage up nearly 50%. PGT website
IAD SUPPORT for Tutoring and Demonstrating Workshops for tutors and demonstrators Seminars and support for staff who work with tutors and demonstrators Accreditation support for tutors and demonstrators Free online resources Tailored support for individual Schools Policy and research development
Workshops for new and experienced tutors and demonstrators Workshops on: tutoring; demonstrating; lecturing; supervising projects; advising on personal and academic matters; assessment and feedback; tutoring online. This year: tutors can take our effective tutoring course online. PLUS new workshop on creative teaching. Register instantly online: demonstrators demonstrators
Seminars and support for staff who work with tutors and demonstrators Afternoon seminars on topics including: putting together support for marking; helping tutors and demonstrators develop their teaching; fostering an environment in which tutors and demonstrators can thrive; putting together written guidance; HR matters. Individual consultation to develop support programmes and materials. Contact
Free online resources Self-enrol resources via Learn on all aspects of tutoring and demonstrating including: Readings Hints and tips Practical exercises Find out more: demonstrators demonstrators
Accreditation support for tutors and demonstrators Support for multiple pathways to accreditation of teaching with the Higher Education Academy: A six-month HEA-accredited course for tutors and demonstrators (runs each semester) Edinburgh Teaching Award (a portfolio approach) Register and find out more: demonstrators demonstrators
Tailored support for individuals and Schools We can help Schools: Develop bespoke courses and resources Help create handbooks and guidance Support accreditation schemes We work across all Colleges and disciplines, including: history; social and political science; education; physics; art; and more! Contact
Teaching & Learning
CPD Framework for Learning and Teaching Fully accredited by the Higher Education Academy Rich array of flexible opportunities for development and professional recognition in relation to learning and teaching We now have 10 Senior Fellows of the Higher Education Academy and 9 Principal Fellows Contact
Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme Research and development projects to enhance the student learning experience 100K-150K per year Over 225 staff across 20 different Schools Student involvement built into projects Many projects become embedded long term
Principal’s Teaching Award Scheme “statistically significant associations between student engagement with PeerWise and academic performance” “process of pre-prescribing provides a novel, structured and immediate form of … feedback …which students have found beneficial for their learning of this complex task.” “[As a spin off from the PTAS project] I have become a member of the cross-party group on Germany in the Scottish Parliament.”
Leading Enhancement in Assessment and Feedback…LEAF! Worked with 7 Schools and 13 programmes so far! This year will work with 11 programmes across 4 Schools: - Classics - Vet School - Spanish and French - Engineering
Support for Researchers
Writing Retreat “…the retreat was an eye opener for everyone, because it taught certain methods that can be put to use in the future. In other words, it didn’t merely provide a nicely structured environment in which to get work done, it gave people some resources that they could use back in Edinburgh.” “ I tend to put off writing in favour of other research-related activities, and having an environment where there’s strong pressure to just sit down and write was very useful.” Mentoring Connections A collaborative project between the IAD and UHRS Learning & Development scheme: –66 partnerships (academic and support staff) –5 training days run
HR Excellence in Research Award One of the first UK Universities to retain the European Commission HR Excellence in Research Award at Step 5 (4 year external review). CROS (Research Staff) - Response rate of 17% (18% in 2013) PIRLS (Principal Investigators and Research Leaders) – Response rate of 25% (33% in 2013) Increase in numbers participated in appraisal/review, from both survey’s. CROS and PIRLS 2015 Code of Practice Re-write of the Code of Practice, new version will be disseminated Semester 1, Academic Year 15/16
Business and Enterprise Summer School 2015 “... a huge thank you for running this course. I think that it may just have been life-changing and perspective changing for me. And I dare say that I am not alone in that. Whilst it wasn't perfect, it was the closest thing to perfect that I've ever attended” 2015 participant “I really enjoyed the course. It has been really useful for me to see and develop my entrepreneurial skills. I have met amazing people! Thank you for organising this!” 2015 participant ‘I think this course definitely stands out as one of the best that I have been involved with....’ 2012 participant New Research Directors Programme in CHSS “Overall I thought the atmosphere and level of engagement from participants and organisers made this one of the best events of this kind I have attended” “The day-long event was full of thought-provoking insights and helpful suggestions; the format and the content were very strong” “It was great to have some time and space to think about these issues, thank you, and I think it is fantastic that the university is providing this kind of research day” “... the programme encouraged me to think about research in a more strategic manner”
IAD Support for Doctoral Researchers Workshops Managing your Research Project, Time Management, Speed Reading, Presentation Skills, Preparing for Conferences Writing Suite The Writing Process: Getting Started, Grammar, Writing a Literature Review, Writing Abstracts, Is my Writing Academic Enough? Online Resources Introductory Statistics, Imaging for Beginners, PG Essentials PhD Planner Newsletter Twitter and Blog Gradschool
3 Minute Thesis Competition 2014 winner, Emma Hodcroft, highly commended in UK final, 3 rd in U21 Final 2015 UoE final: 80 in Forum + 75 online
The Vitae Scotland & Northern Ireland hub closed at the end of March but UoE staff and students continue to benefit from Vitae resources and support through institutional membership. IAD and Careers have filmed 13 researchers and academics from across the university to showcase academic careers for a web resource available later this year.
Ideas Lab (June 2015) Wellcome Trust + EIFF Screenwriters + researchers ‘Voyage of Discovery’ Annual Gathering Over 100 people - 95% found opportunity to network useful - 97% felt community engagement celebrated Cabaret of Dangerous Ideas shows at Edinburgh Fringe -4* reviewed!
Practice sharing, support for innovation and networks
Case studies on GeoScience outreach, the Edinburgh Living Lab (and Design for Informatics MSc Course) and the Edinburgh award. These are a series of documents focused on tools / exemplars that can be used to deliver on the Vision for Learning and Teaching, highlighting both the wider benefits and practicalities involved with implementing these different approaches in the curriculum.
Equal Bite Equal Bite is a ‘recipe book’ which aims to share practical and effective strategies for creating more gender balanced working environments in higher education. The recipes will be written by University of Edinburgh staff and students, drawing from their real life experiences. Contact Lara to find out more:
Academic Networking Fund Applicants from at least 2 Schools Establish or support strategically important internal cross-School and cross-College networks. Support researchers to make connections, share and develop ideas, and create and promote opportunities to build professional networks within the University and beyond. Apply for up to £5000 Deadline: 21 st September 2015 Contact Lara to find out more:
Third Space “Because of Third Space I considered many of the activities as worth talking and writing about as life experiences, rather than day-to-day events. It inspired me to communicate with a wider range of people, and even talk to a few random strangers.” Undergraduate Student and Third Space participant
Open ILW A summer project to redesign Innovative Learning Week using design thinking and participatory tools In collaboration with Snook.
Innovative Learning Week 2016: Ideas in Process A brand new manifesto with aims, objectives, and values for ILW An expanded year-long programme including ideation events and pop-ups A brand new ILW Handbook for organisers A Basecamp community online Development of a wider brand
Ed2020 A community of practice of staff, students, and community members around innovation and learning Activities include fortnightly coffee mornings with speakers, co- designed manifesto of innovative learning, pilot projects, and a website with blog Launched Dearest Edinburgh University letter writing campaign during ILW Shortlisted for College of Humanities and Social Science Award for Most Effective Academic Community- Building Initiative
Edinburgh Award in Social Innovation A brand new Edinburgh Award to recognise students who play an active role in building communities to design, develop, deliver, and integrate new concepts and practices for social good 18 students received award from 5 different student groups including TEDx, Buchanan Institute, Fresh Sight, and Knack
The Institute for Academic Development