Our Final Character Trait Commitment to Whole Health Physical Mental Moral
Commitment Beyond Yourself “To recognize the existence of and be committed to a Supreme Being, higher principle, transcendent purpose or meaning to one’s life” --Kinnier et al. If we disregard or abuse our personal health, we reveal a weakness of character and a faltering commitment to our higher purpose. How tragic it would be to have your life cut short before you achieve your goals, all because you failed to take care of yourself.
Physical, Mental, and Moral Fitness Goal: Contributing Factors: Threats:
Physical Health Goal:Look and feel your best as you go about fulfilling your purpose Factors:Exercise + Nutrition + Rest Threats:Overwork Willful contamination Obsession Physical irresponsibility reveals a character weakness that inhibits the pursuit of higher purposes in life.
Mental Health Goal:Think in ways that lead you closer to achieving your life mission or ideal Factors:Alertness + Critical thinking Threats:Negative self-talk Too much pop culture Mental lassitude Healthy thinking means developing your mind— thinking deeply, asking the big questions of life, learning, growing, imagining, and reaching up.
Moral Health Goal:Live in a way that advances or brings honor to your higher purpose Factors:What you want + How you act Threats:Postmodern social norms Irresponsible sex Abandoning your commitment to sexual integrity may very well compromise your character and draw you away from achieving that higher purpose to which you are committed.
Commitment Beyond Yourself What are you committed to? To advance it requires time, effort, skills, and energy --but it’s good for you and good for others. What is your full potential? __
Our Final Character Trait Commitment to Whole Health Physical Mental Moral