ToK presentations
Objective To make sure that your titles are suitable and you cover all the required criteria. To plan and rehearse the presentation (write scripts etc) To film/perform presentation. To fill in forms
Key points to put into your presentation Knowledge Issues: It must be about the ways in which we gain knowledge (experience, reason, language and emotion) and the strength/weakness of these ways of knowing. Refer to 2 ways of knowing. Contemporary Issue/Real Life situation. Link your knowledge issue to 1 topical issue. It might be in the news or a controversial topic. Knower’s perspective: You must refer to your own life experiences and the impact that the knowledge issues and ways of knowing can have on your life/knowledge. Evaluation: Make a counterclaim or look at both sides of the argument. E.g. If you are looking at how reason is used in Maths and the strength of this way of knowing evaluate it by looking at the weakness of reason in Maths and the strength of emotion as a way of knowing in maths
Assessment You will be assessed on the Presentation AND you must fill in the document planning and evaluation forms.
Format Skits, Lectures, simulations, games, dramatized readings, interviews, debates. You can use: videos, overhead projections, posters, questionnaires, cassettes of songs, interviews, costumes or props. Presentations cannot be an essay read aloud to the class.
Assessment Criteria There are 4 sections you will be marked on. Each section is out of a maximum of 5 marks. Presentation is therefore marked out of Knowledge Issue (The problems of knowledge and the ways of knowing are addressed in detail) 2. Quality of Analysis (Give full explanations, justification, recognition of bias and implications for knowledge) 3. Knowledge at work (Make knowledge claims and counter claims about knowledge related to a contemporary issue and recognise links and limitations.) 4. Clarity ( How well are the points explained and understood.)
Example presentation =related =related
Checklist 1. Real life situation 2. Knowledge Issue (strength and weaknesses of 2 ways of knowing) 3. Open ended question. 4. Counterclaim/evaluation 5. Refer to the impact that the knowledge issue has on your life or your pursuit of certain knowledge. 6. Your perspective, what you think about the topic/issue. How these may have changed, how these ideas are formed and the limitations of your ideas.
Task You have 30 mins to complete planning form and get the relevant research materials together. Show this to me before you begin planning the presentation. Plan your presentation using the research materials and resources you gathered over ½ term. Fill in the relevant documents. This should be finished by 2pm – 3.25 Rehearse, record or show
Tips Please make sure you look at the marking criteria as you make the presentation. Use your planning form!