American Nuclear Society Radiation Protection and Shielding Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Raymond T. Klann, Chair November 16, 2005 Washington, D.C.
RPSD Mission The division promotes the interchange of technology related to: the transport of particulate and electromagnetic radiation in materials and biological systems; techniques and instrumentation to measure and calculate radiation fields; and the quantification of radiation effects and nuclear heat deposition within materials. Radiation protection management, ALARA, operational health physics, and radiation shield design and evaluation are key subject areas.
RPSD Governance Executive Committee Structure –Chair Raymond T. Klann –Vice Chair Andrew Hodgdon –Secretary John Hendricks –Treasurer Stephanie Frankle Past Chair Dave Anderson Program Chair John Hendricks Membership Mark Blumberg Benchmarks Dick Amato Honors & Awards Dave Court Standards Bill Hopkins Scholarship John Postopn, Sr. By-laws Erik Shores Public Policy Dave Anderson Web-site Stephanie Frankle ANS BoD Liaison Herb Fontecilla
RPSD Governance Executive Committee 2006 –Raymond Klann –Stephanie Frankle –John Hendricks –Dick Amato –Jennifer Tanner –Larry Townsend 2007 –F. Arzu Alpan –Nolan Hertel –Andrew Hodgdon –Erik Shores 2008 –Charlotta Sanders –Jeremy Sweezy –Man-Sung Yim
RPSD Governance Succession Planning –Vice-chair -> Chair -> Past Chair (Nominating Committee) –Overlapping board terms Try to have secretary and treasurer maintain position for 2 years 3-year Executive Committee terms –Draw officers from past board members
Membership Trends
Breakdown of members based on 2003 statistics
Membership Trends Breakdown of members based on 2003 statistics
RPSD Strategic Plan RPSD does not have a strategic plan I have made this a key priority during my term as Chair –Develop draft 5-year plan by 2006 ANS Meeting –Develop draft 1-year plan by 2006 ANS Meeting –Accumulate historical records and trends for division and maintain it as a body of information for the officers
RPSD Budget
RPSD Communications Division Newsletter –Have not been consistent with distribution –Averaging one per year Division Web Site – –Newsletters and Executive Committee Minutes –Topical Conference information –Needs to be updated Executive Committee Listserver –Used extensively for communications among members
RPSD Contributions to ANS ANS Position Statements –Position Statement No. 41: Health Effects of Low- Level Radiation Needs to be updated as HPS has updated their 1999 position statement –Position Statement No. 19 on "Radon in the Home" Participation with Other Professional Societies –Mathematics and Computation Division –Health Physics Society –OECD Nuclear Energy Agency
RPSD Services to Membership Scholarships Everett P. Blizard Scholarship Peer Recognition/Awards ANS Fellow Service Recognition Award Professional Excellence Award Rockwell “Lifetime Achievement” Award Student Support Student National Support Student Conference Support RPSD Topical Conference Student Support
RPSD Meetings National Meeting Participation –2005W – 2 sessions, 6 co-sponsor –2005 – 1 session –2004W – 3 sessions –2004 – 2 sessions Biennial RPSD Topical Conference –2002 – Santa Fe, NM –2004 – Madeira, Portugal (Class II with ICRS 10) –2006 – Carlsbad, NM –2008 – Atlanta (ICRS11) Co-Sponsor of MC2003 and MC2005
RPSD Metrics – CY2004
Summary Areas of Success –Strong topical meetings and international involvement –Strong involvement with Society leadership and meetings Focus for Future Action –RPSD Strategic Plan –RPSD by-laws and rules –Increase student/young member involvement –Increase technical sessions at National Meetings –Update web-site information