established in 1986 as Autonomous Institution Apex Level Institute for Training and Research in Rural Development NODAL AGENCY FOR CAPACITY BUILDING ANDTRAINING FOR RD PROGRAMMES
GC EC SCs Director Faculty AAO Head Assistant Estate Officer Accountant Hostel Caretaker ETC ADMINISTRATIVE, ACADEMIC AND HOSTEL MINISTERIAL AND SUPPORT STAFF
Vision ◦ To emerge as a premiere, most trusted and innovative Institute for Training, Research and Consultancy in Rural Development. Mission ◦ Develop Human Resource through progressive systematic approaches of social mobilization, participation, knowledge-skill based education and training, and resource value chain without disturbing the unique tribal culture that is prevalent in the State.
Predominantly tribal – Khasi Borders Assam Rich fertile soils and subtropical climate Inaccessible villages Date of inception:2 nd October 1952 Main Occupation is Agriculture
Area in sq km:1105 No. of Villages:267 No. of Households:23896 Population: BPL HH:8335 Literacy:67% Main to total workers: 80% Villages with paved approach roads:93% Irrigation:3% Villages with safe drinking water:89%
Net sown area:8552 ha Area sown more than once:1420 ha Total cropped area:9972 ha Area under Forests:47528 ha Area not available for cultivation:9480 ha Fallow land:6783 ha Land under trees crops and groves:10912 ha Cultivable Wasteland:27245
No. of Colleges:3 No. of Secondary Schools:32 No. of Higher Secondary Schools:3 No. of Upper Primary Schools:104 No. of Lower Primary Schools:302
No. of Sub Centres:16 No. of Public Health Centres:4 No. of CHC:2
No. of Main markets:6 No. of Banks:7 Post Offices and branch office:7
No of VEC:267 No. of AEC:63 No. of Registered HH:23562 No. of Job Cards Printed:21528 No. of Job Cards issued:20959 No. of applicants demanding Work:12054 No. of HH provided employment:10510 No. of days per HH; No. of Man days generated: No. of Projects completed:43 No. of ongoing works:683
Name of the Project:Stream Bank erosion control Location:Pyllun VEC Length:0.200 Km Cost::1.89 Lakhs
Construction of of Drinking Water Well at Lumnongrim: Cost:4.21 Lakhs
No. of SHGs formed:382 No. of SHGs Passed Grade I:160 No. of SHGs passed Grade II:54 No. of SHGs taken up EA:27 No. of Women SHGs:160 BPL families crossing poverty line:250 PF pending with Bank:12 RF pending with banks:16
Annual Target:562 Houses under construction: 562 Percentage utilization of funds:91.01%
IAY Construction of Smti. Helen Nongbsap at Umeit village. Sanction Amount Rs.38,500/- Year
IGNOAPS:2498 beneficiaries IGNDPS:180 beneficiaries IGNWPS:930 beneficiaries
MGNREGS with Horticulture Development Scheme MGNREGS with NWDPRA MGNREGS with RRTC Umran irrigation projects MGNREGS with ICAR Farming Systems, Fishery ponds, Land Development
Ensure 100% delivery of all Rural sector programmes through Capacity Building, Training, Awareness generation, convergence and effective planning and implementation for sustainable development.
Selection of Umsning Block approved Preliminary Meeting with, DC, PD DRDA, BDO for data collection and chalking out action Plan SIRD as the Nodal Agency to coordinate with State, District and Block Constituting Committees completed
Data Collection Conduct TNA Preparation of training and capacity building material Develop and organize participative decentralized planning for ◦ NRM, ◦ Livelihood enhancement, ◦ Rural Connectivity, Housing, Infrastructure ◦ Drinking Water and sanitation ◦ Employment ◦ Marketing ◦ Etc Consolidate workable plans Convergence of Programmes
Selection and capacity building of village level resource persons Develop leadership and entrepreneurship and skills for economic growth Develop infrastructure and connectivity Develop Markets Provision of basic needs like safe drinking water, housing and sanitation Integrating capacity building and training with actual field implementation Carry out Social Audit Monitoring of outcomes Evaluation
Sl. No. ActivitySchedule 1Data CollectionIn progress 2District Level Meeting to be chaired by DC for preparation of detail Action Plan November 8, Block Level meeting to be chaired by DC and nomination of Block Nodal Officers November 10, State level Meeting for approval of Action Plans November 15, Selection of Block Level TrainersNovember 8, Conduct of TNANovember 8 – 24, Organizing participatory village planningNovember 15 – December 15, Consolidation of workable plansDecember 20,2010 9ToT for Block and Village level trainersNovember 29 – December 9, 2010
Sl. No. ActivitySchedule 9Preparation of Capacity Building and Training Material In progress 10Block and village level capacity building and training December 1, 2010 – February 28, Ensuring effective delivery of programme implementation Throughout the project period 12Monitoring of outcomesDecember 15 till project completion 13Projection of outcomesOn Completion of Project 14Implementation of IEC based activitiesNovember onwards 15Expected date of completionMay 2011
Members of Local Durbar, VEC and AEC Officials working with and for the development of VECs and AECs, ◦ The main categories of such officials are as follows: ◦ Project Directors of DRDA ◦ Assistant Project Officers ◦ District Heads of Line departments ◦ Block Development Officers ◦ Extension Officers, Soil and Water Conservation Officers ◦ Junior Engineers and Technical Assistants ◦ Anganwadi workers, ◦ Primary Health Workers and ASHA workers, ◦ Public Health Workers, ◦ Teachers and Education Administration Workers. ◦ Gram Sevaks ◦ Community Coordinators Community Level Workers Pressure groups within the Village such as SHGs and CBOs, Elected representatives and officials of higher levels of Government.
Officials:150 Master Trainers:15 Elected Reps & PE&IC members:1335 Youth Volunteers:801 SHGs3200 Community Coordinators:63 Social Audit Committee members:1335 VMC members:2403 BDMC members:40 Total:9970
2 Training Associates 15 Master Trainers 2 Data Entry Operators 2 office assistants
Sl. No. ActivityAmount 1Data Collection and Conduct of TNA Village Level Planning Exercise Conduct of Training programmes (ToTs, Awareness, Block and Village Level trainings) Engagement of Training associates, office assistants, data entry operators IEC Activities ICT and Block level infrastructure Transportation for field activities Total