CALSAGA Annual Conference Sacramento Convention Center – Sacramento, CA November 6-8, 2007
CALSAGA – Who Are We? CALSAGA represents over 350 security companies, associates and management members in California Collectively, we employ and train over 60,000 security officers, annually Full-time association management in Sacramento Full-time legislative/lobby representation in Sacramento Fourteen Board Members Thirteen Active Committees Two Political Action Committees Charitable Foundation Member Certification Program Contributed over $100,000 to Political campaigns in 2006 Solvent
CALSAGA – We are Growing! In 2007, CALSAGA added 36 PPO’s (security companies) Largest increase in membership since 2002
Private Security In America 625,000 sworn peace officers vs. 1 million guards (BLS) According to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Report: Guarding America: Security Guards and U.S. Critical Infrastructure Protection, Private security protects 85% of the nations critical infrastructure Private security officers are increasingly protecting military bases around the U.S. and the world Private security officers are increasingly protecting airports throughout the U.S. Private security officers are the “true” first responders. They are on the scene as situations occur and are increasingly being asked to support law enforcement and emergency personnel.
Private Security In America There are no federal laws regulating private security in America 10 states have no licensing, training or background checks 29 states do not require any training (including Washington D.C.) 16 states do not require criminal background checks Only one state has standards for contract and in- house security officers
Securing California California is the largest security market in the nation California has the largest dedicated agency that regulates security California has the most stringent back grounding and training requirements for security officers in the nation
Laws Affecting Contract Security in California - SB 1240 All Contract Security Officer applicants must undergo CA Department of Justice Criminal Check All Contract Security Officer applicants must undergo FBI Fingerprint Check $5,000 fine to employers who work an officer without a Guard Card
Laws Affecting Contract Security AB hours of security officer training 4 hours of Mandatory Weapons of Mass Destruction Training 8 hours of continuing education - Annually
CALSAGA Legislation – SB 194 Passed All Security officers are in a position of public trust Effective September 1, 2006, SB 194 requires registration of Proprietary Security Officers (PSO) Mandatory DOJ and FBI criminal background checks of proprietary security guards Estimated 50,000 to 100,000 PSO’s in CA
CALSAGA Legislation - Senate Bill 666 Passed Requires the similar training for in-house security officers that is required for contract security officers (AB 2880) Has passed both the Senate and the Assembly On 10/14/07, the Governor signed SB 666 into law The Governor issued strongly worded signing message
California and Compliance Contract and Private Security - California Lawmakers are taking note Accountability at the State Level for Security Related issues Governor approved 19 additional positions at BSIS California lawmakers want enforcement BSIS is actively auditing companies for compliance BSIS is vigorously checking unlicensed activity BSIS is meeting with Law Enforcement and Attorney General BSIS works with LAPD and law enforcement to enforce compliance BSIS works with Oxnard Police Department
California Continues to be the Model Stringent criminal backgrounds Stringent training – WMD training Dedicated Regulatory Agency Aggressive enforcement Model Industry Association (CALSAGA) CALSAGA works with NASCO CALSAGA works with LEAPS
What are the issues facing CALSAGA and the Industry? Frivolous Wage Hour Claims Frivolous Wage Hour Lawsuits CA Supreme Court decided on Meal Period – Waiting time penalties vs. wages
What is our Strategy for ? Meal and Rest Period Reform Allowing out-of-state security officers to temporarily work in California during emergency conditions Follow-up legislation on SB 666 Marketing and Public Relations Campaign
Meal and Rest Break Issues, State Perspective Angela Bradstreet State Labor Commissioner