Continuous Assessment of Practice West Midlands Mental Health in H. E. Educators Conference Steve Wilding. Clinical Educator. Bernie Kitchen – Practice Facilitator Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust Institute of Health, Social Care & Psychology Community & Social Welfare Team
17 Outcomes divided into 4 domains Professional and Ethical Practice Care Delivery Care Management Personal and Professional Development Learning Outcomes
Background to CAP 10 ESC NSF Capable Practitioner NMC
The Capable Practitioner ALL MUST HAVE SOME MUST HAVE INCREASED SPECIALITY Ethical Practice Knowledge Process of Care Intervention
Assessment Process Induction Preliminary interview Intermediate interview Final interview Re-sit period Within 2 working days Within 5 working days – –initial summary –Learning opportunities & outcomes –Learning strategies Formal feedback, progress and action plan Full evaluation and assessment of performance. Sign off mentor Takes place immediately on same placement
Skills Log 17 skill templates over 3 years What are they? Validated skill templates to measure clinical Competence Why have they been introduced? - Benefits student and mentor 10 ESC Standardize assessment process NSF Address skill deficit
The Experience!! Placement experience from week 6 Diversity of experience Minimum of 5 disciplines Access to 12+ speciality services
Clinical Support Mentor & active mentor Mentor updates Sign-off mentor Practice Facilitator Personal tutor Pastoral support
Quality Assurance Placement profile Multi-professional 2 year cycle Student & mentor feedback & evaluation
Domain 2.Year Two Care Delivery. Assessment of Competency Outcomes 2.1 Intermediate interview Final interview ProgressNo Progress PassFail Demonstrate the ability to develop relationships with service users, carers and those involved with their care Demonstrate the ability to communicate in a therapeutic manner (see skills log No.1) Discuss in an informed manner how the basic principles of communication can be utilized and adapted when addressing a variety of individuals Demonstrate an understanding of your role and your ability to engage service users and carers in a collaborative process of working in partnership Display effective use in your ability to utilize different methods of communication eg. Writing, documentation, telephone and IT skills Demonstrate the ability to effectively use communication and interpersonal skills in situations of conflict Demonstrate the ability to effectively engage with and disengage from therapeutic relationships Engage in, develop & disengage from therapeutic relationships through the use of appropriate communication & interpersonal skills.
Clinical Skills Log No. 1- Communication Skills Competency (please sign & date) PassFail Can the student display effective use of tone, rate and flow Communicates with patients by using an appropriate level of language and taking into account levels of cognition/ ability Effective use of open and closed questions Demonstration of therapeutic use of body language (eye contact, gestures, facial expression and posture) Demonstration of key counselling skills of active listening, summarizing, paraphrasing, genuineness, empathy and positive regard. Can display therapeutic challenging skills Acceptance and sensitivity The student can identify barriers to effective communication and strategies to overcome them The student can competently display these skills with patients suffering from a variety of mental health problems The student can communicate effectively with carers, relatives and all members of the MDT
Domain 2.Year Two Care Delivery. Assessment of Competency Outcome 2.4 Formulate and document a plan of nursing care, where possible in partnership with, patients, clients, their carers, family and friends within a framework of informed consent.
Your feedback is an important part of the students development. The students reflection on this will be discussed with their mentor as part of their assessment The Student Strongly agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly disagree Treated me with a professional manner Listened to me and I thought they understood me Had an appreciation of the problems I faced Informed and involved me in planning my treatment and care Was reliable and did what they said they would do Made an effort to put me at ease Informed me of my rights Did not judge or discriminate against me Was approachable
The Way Forward Pathway placement Inter-professional learning & working Comprehensive review of LEP Revised guidelines on standards for mentorship Review pattern of placements Regular review of CAP