EXAM-2 OVERVIEW Aliya Farheen
REMINDER Homework #5 is due 4/10/2015. MyITLab Lesson E is due 4/20/2015.
ANNOUNCEMENTS Earn up to 50 bonus points with MyITLab Grader Bonus Projects. There are three projects, each with their own start and due dates. Grades will be based on the two highest scores. There are no late submissions. The Access project due Friday, April 17. The Access project due Friday, May 1.
EXAM #2 Exam #2 covers Microsoft Access. It is on Tue – April 14, Duration is 1 hr 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM (Sec 57) 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM (Sec 59)
THINGS TO REMEMBER Students must have a valid photo ID. NO ID = NO TEST Students should plan to arrive 15 minutes early and stay 15 minutes late on test days. If students arrive late or leave early, they forfeit time lost. Should sign-on to attendance system on test day.
THINGS TO REMEMBER Students may use Microsoft Office Help, but no other resources. No Mobile phones, ipads, USB drives or any other electronic devices.
STRUCTURE 15 min before: Show your ID and enter the class. 10 min before: Review the test (can not start the exam) Start the exam Close your worksheet (Save and close) and submit online.
PREPARE Exam will be similar to your HW#4, HW#5. Go through the material and projects in the following links for practice, > dy-guides/ > ew-projects/ dy-guides/ ew-projects/
REVIEW SESSION Exam #2 session –Friday 4/10 at 3:00pm in 206 ARM –Sunday 4/12 at 3:00pm in 206 ARM Sessions work through Review Session Exam Review Projects. Exam Review Projects. YouTube video is also posted for project.
FOCUS ON Creating tables or importing from XML files Assigning primary key and formatting the fields accordingly Entering records Building relation ships between tables in the database (make sure that you build relationship in right direction) Creating Queries (Use Query wizard or Query Design. Important thing is if you don't use any of the fields in a particular table, delete the table from your design or else you will have more number of records than the actual count) Formatting fields used in queries
FOCUS ON Calculated fields in queries Giving conditions in criteria row Give sorting criteria Copy SQL code to create a Query Creating forms using Form Wizard ( Form with a subform) Creating reports ( Using report wizard) Analysis Questions
TIPS …… Show up early, so that you can review the exam project (10min) before you start doing it. Don’t leave Queries and Analysis questions Do the exam project step wise. Don’t miss steps in between. Have to submit the file online after you done with our exam.